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Unheated Yellow Sapphires | Golden Sapphires | Pukhraj Stones
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Yellow sapphire belong to the Corundum family, and its chemical composition Al2O3 is aluminum oxide.  Its color yellow is given by traces of iron impurities. Yellow sapphire is considered a fancy sapphire, opposed to the classic sapphire which is of blue color. Yellow sapphire is associated with the planet Jupiter | Guru | Brihaspati. Unheated yellow sapphires range from pale, buttery yellow to lemon yellow and to golden yellow colors, but the latter are very rare.

                                                                    Yellow Sapphire Gemstone Benefits 

Important: The following pictures are highly magnified (30X) and do not show the gems' real size.  Color and brilliance can greatly vary from computer to computer, depending on your monitor's settings.  Color will also, naturally, vary from sunlight to indoor lighting and other light sources.
Dark and lighter areas are effects from the digital camera. See description for accuracy on clarity grade, color and exact dimensions in mm.

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Real nice cushion, perfect cutting proportions,
unheated, Ceylon yellow sapphire.


1.37 cts.


Antique cushion, mixed cut


6.36 x 5.20 x 4.27mm


Light "Lemon" yellow


VVS1, eye flawless, super clean


None, unheated & untreated, rare

Carat Price:


Total Price:


I love this antique cushion, unheated, Ceylon yellow sapphire. Hailing from the gem fields of Balangoda, it was cut & polished in Ratnapura by our gem artist Kumar. Ratnapura is called the city of gems, known since antiquity. Marco Polo, a Venetian merchant, explorer and writer speaks of this land and its fabled gems back in the 13th century. Lovely cushion, clean and definitely auspicious.

Simply lovely, well cut with excellent luster,
unheated, Ceylon yellow sapphire.


1.37 cts.


Oval, "star" cut


6.90 x 5.29 x 4.50mm


Light "Lemon" yellow


VVS2, eye flawless, very clean


None, unheated & untreated, rare

Carat Price:


Total Price:


With little availability of clean & well cut unheated sapphires and high prices, we are very proud to offer these well cut, clean & affordable beauties. Throughout the years, we have established solid & trustworthy connections in the mining region of Sri Lanka. Therefore, we are able to offer unheated sapphire of superior quality at the most competitive prices for the quality offered. Be a savvy buyer.

Sri Lanka: The Land of Sapphires

Through history, Sri Lanka has been known as the land of gems. This island nation in South Asia holds a special place in our hearts. It has been our home for many days through the years, and there we have acquired from miners and cutters a large stock of unheated sapphires and various other gems. Our favorite place is Ratnapura, that translate as the "city of gems".  It is located in a beautiful and luscious valley, in south-central Sri Lanka, at the feet of Adam's Peak, Sri Pada, a mountain sacred to all four major religions in Sri Lanka, Buddhism, Hinduism, Muslim and Christianity.  Gemstones mining in Sri Lanka is done in ground pits as well as river sifting.


Your classic, well cut & lustrous, super clean,
unheated Ceylon yellow sapphire. Vedic astrology Jyotish.


1.44 cts.


Oval, flower cut


7.12 x 5.71 x 4.00mm


"Lemon" yellow


VVS1, eye flawless, super clean


None, unheated & untreated, rare

Carat Price:


Total Price:


A beautiful, unheated yellow sapphire that was mined in Marapana, cut & polished in Ratnapura by one of our cutters. It is clean, inundate with luster and beauty, and the cut is well done and balanced. This is an old stock, when my cutters had the time to shape oval sapphire in the flower cut. Nowadays, this cut is not longer done because it takes too long to achieve. beautiful and affordable unheated sapphire.

Very charming & perfect, well cut with good color,
unheated, Ceylon yellow sapphire. Auspicious.


1.45 cts.


Oval, flower cut


7.60 x 5.38 x 4.04mm


"Lemon" yellow, vivid


VVS1, eye flawless, super clean


None, unheated & untreated, rare

Carat Price:


Total Price:


We travel to the mining areas of the fabled island-nation of Sri Lanka to get the most enticing unheated sapphires. Here is a most beautiful, with fine lemon yellow color, no heat, untreated, completely natural, Ceylon sapphire hailing from the Marapana gem mining area, that is also priced very well. Very beautiful, charismatic stone.

Very lustrous, perfect cut with flawless clarity,
unheated, Ceylon light yellow sapphire.


1.47 cts.


Oval, flower cut


7.63 x 6.39 x 3.73mm, gorgeous face


Pale yellow (v.light tone)


IF-VVS1, flawless, perfectly clean


None, unheated & untreated, rare

Carat Price:


Total Price:


A brilliant, unheated yellow sapphire, hailing from the gem fields of Marapana, cu & polished in Ratnapura, Sri Lanka. This is a very lovely, perfectly cut with a large face & with an elegant sparkle & luster. Ideal for somebody on a budget, yet this will set great in any setting you will choose.

Beautifully shaped and well cut, very sparkling,
unheated, Ceylon light yellow sapphire.


1.47 cts.


Rectangular, "antique" cushion


7.40 x 5.54 x 3.87mm


Pale, orangish yellow (v.light tone)


VVS1, eye flawless, super clean


None, unheated & untreated, rare

Carat Price:


Total Price:


A sensuous and very well cut, unheated Ceylon yellow sapphire, mined in the Pelmadulla area, and cut in Ratnapura, Sri Lanka by our friend & gem artist Nalin. Even though the body color is light, this gem shows off a gorgeous luster, great presence and a definite sweet energy. Unheated and untreated, rare.

Very beautiful, well cut, strong lemon yellow color, unheated, Ceylon yellow sapphire.


1.52 cts.


Antique rectangular cushion, mixed cut


7.27 x 5.05 x 4.72mm


Finest "Lemon" yellow, vivid


VVS2, eye flawless, good clean


None, unheated & untreated, rare

Carat Price:


Total Price:


What a beautiful sapphire, of course untreated, mined in Marapana, cut and polished in Ratnapura, Sri Lanka. I love this one. The color is very strong for unheated material, and it is well cut and eye clean. Great brilliance and completely awesome eye appeal. Simply a real nice, unheated, Ceylon yellow Pukhraj to propitiate the favors of Jupiter.

Serene, lustrous with a light color, perfectly shaped, unheated, Ceylon yellow sapphire.


1.52 cts.


Oval, "flower" cut


7.20 x 5.73 x 4.30mm


Pale yellow (v.light tone)


VVS2-VS1, eye flawless, good clean


None, unheated & untreated, rare

Carat Price:


Total Price:


As per the end of 2023, very little unheated sapphire rough was unearthed in Sri Lanka. A very unusual series of circumstances made gemstone mining very difficult & availability basically inexistent. This is from one of our last trips. excellent clean clarity and well cut, this unheated yellow sapphire will surely bring auspicity, happiness to the eye and easiness to the economy.

Very beautiful, perfectly cut with dancing luster, unheated, Ceylon yellow sapphire.


1.67 cts.


Round, "Portuguese" cut


6.75mm in diameter x 4.77mm deep


Finest "lemon" yellow, vivid


VS1, eye flawless, good clean, feather low


None, unheated & untreated, rare

Carat Price:


Total Price:


This is a most beautiful, unheated, Ceylon yellow sapphire. It was mined in the Marapana gem fields, cut & polished in Ratnapura, Sri Lanka. Finest lemon yellow, perfection in the round cutting, eye flawless, dancing with vibrant light and joyful luster. Great size, ideal for a solitaire Jyotish ring to propitiate Jupiter. You will not be disappointed by this gorgeous sapphire.

Seriously captivating, rare & unique shape,
unheated, Ceylon yellow sapphire. A very lovely one.


1.68 cts.


Trillion, mixed cut


8.23 x 6.63 x 4.39mm


Finest "lemon" yellow, vivid


VS1, eye clean, good clean


None, unheated & untreated, rare

Carat Price:


Total Price:


A beautiful, unheated, Ceylon yellow sapphire hailing from the gem fields of Elahera, Sri Lanka. In Jyotish, cleanliness or freedom from flaws is the most important & auspicious requisite associated with a natural gemstone, signifying perfection and highest purity to be achieved in life. A very auspicious & flawless, unheated yellow that is also very well priced.

Perfect. Simply a beautiful,
unheated, Ceylon yellow sapphire.


1.70 cts.


Oval, "star" cut


7.40 x 5.53 x 5.08mm


Light, "lemon" yellow


VVS2, eye flawless, very clean


None, unheated & untreated, rare

Carat Price:


Total Price:


What a perfectly serene, unheated Ceylon yellow sapphire. This gem hails from the gem fields of Marapana, cut & polished in Ratnapura, Sri Lanka. Lovely shade of pastel yellow, flawless in clarity, and masterly cut with perfect luster & exotic character, this unheated, Ceylon yellow sapphire exudes perfection. A very auspicious, unheated yellow sapphire for Jyotish astrology.

Auspicious, balanced & well cut with large face,
Lab certified unheated, Ceylon yellow sapphire.


1.71 cts.


Roval, mixed cut


7.64 x 7.03 x 4.13 mm


Medium "Lemon" yellow


VVS2, eye flawless, very clean


None, unheated & untreated, TGL Memo

Carat Price:


Total Price:


I do not think you will find better prices on unheated sapphires anywhere else. By purchasing at the mining locations in Sri Lanka, having dealt for many years with miners known locally for excellence in fair trade practices and low impact mining, we are able to get superior, clean & well cut, completely natural sapphires at true wholesale values. This one is accompanied by a gemstone memo report (small size) by TGL (Tokyo Gem Laboratory, Thailand) as unheated.

The truth about "ethical" mining and how it is used by main stream companies as gimmick for business purposes.
We thank all the people at origin, in the mining areas, directly or partially involved in this gemstone business. From miners, mine laborers, land owners, cutters, brokers, couriers and all the others. We thank them by going every year to buy at origin, dealing again with them to bring back, unheated Ceylon sapphires at the fairest prices.  We do not believe in those statements by western companies and all the pumped up, untrue, 5% and 10% donations to give back to the community..., and furthermore, in using the concept of responsible and eco-friendly, conflict-free sourcing, and blah, blah, blah, solely & bluntly as a marketing tool, while not really doing anything for the people at the top of the colored gemstone supply chain - the artisan miners.

Sri Lanka Sapphires Gem Buying Photos

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