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Astrological, Untreated Emerald Gemstones
for Jyotish, Vedic Astrology & Ayurveda

Emerald is the astrological Jyotish Vedic gemstone related to Mercury, which is the planet of intelligence, speech, communication, trade and commerce. It improves learning abilities, communication and clairvoyance and it is beneficial to the nervous system. Wearing a good Jyotish quality emerald is said to give good results in all the business and trade activities. It is ideal for people working with computers. It makes the wearer more focus in completing many tasks at once. And it will also make the wearer a very persuasive speaker. Emerald can be substituted with peridot, green tourmaline, or chrysoprase of at least 3 carats. ** To note that all Colombian emeralds are routinely oiled or resin infused, even though occasionally come without treatments of sort. **.

                                                                                Emerald Gemstone Benefits

Classic beauty with ideal proportions, very clean, unoiled Zambian emerald. Bargain price.

1.52 cts.


Classic, emerald, step cut


7.35 x 5.62 x 4.70mm


Medium, slightly bluish green


VS1 type3, very clean


None, unoiled.

Carat Price:


Total Price:


We have been looking for 12 days during our last emerald buying trip to get the best looking, beautiful & auspicious untreated emeralds, and priced correctly. Arduous task. Therefore, Do not delay on this one. Really beautiful emerald of great size, feel and look, at a price that is well below wholesale. We are on a mission, and this is what we do.

Gorgeous antique cushion, super clean, unoiled Zambian emerald. Jyotish & Vedic astrology specialists.

1.01 cts.


Antique cushion, mixed cut


6.63 x 5.43 x 4.17mm


Medium, vivid, bluish "summer" green


VS1 type3, near eye clean


None, unoiled.

Carat Price:


Total Price:


We have been through thousands of emeralds for 12 days during our last buying trip, many times getting refusal from cutters because we were picking only 1 or 2 stones out of hundreds. Jyotish quality emeralds needs to have special requisites, and sometimes even though you find the right ones, the owners are not willing to sell them individually.  This one is a beautiful one and with a great price attached to it.

Beautiful and charismatic, very clean & lustrous, classic oval, unoiled Zambian emerald.

1.75 cts.


Oval, mixed cut


9.20 x 6.64 x 4.26mm


Medium, vivid, "forest" bluish-green color


VS1 type3, near eye clean


None, unoiled.

Carat Price:


Total Price:


A most unique & clean, unoiled Zambian emerald with large face up, We search the world for fine qualities, natural, Jyotish Vedic gemstones that are beautiful to the eye, auspicious to the spirit, awesome when set in jewelry and bearing an excellent price tag for the quality offered. It is not an easy task to combine all these variables together. We believe that you can realize your desired astrological jewelry without spending a fortune. 

Enthralling, great size and well cut, rare clean clarity, unoiled Zambian emerald. Great price.

2.82 cts.


Oval, step cut


10.28 x 7.72 x 5.49mm


Medium-light, slightly bluish green


VVS2 type3, eye clean


None, unoiled.

Carat Price:


Total Price:


This is for somebody wanting a natural & unoiled Zambian emerald of big size with a classic oval cut. Exceptional clarity, this was recut from a bigger 16 pointers more. The cutter did a great job, and we all love it here. On a side note, all of these Zambian emeralds are cut by hand, using the fingers to hold the rough stone, and working the preform on a vertical spinning lap. Simply mastery. Cannot get more natural than this.

Fine color, well cut & clean, classic emerald step cut, unoiled Zambian emerald. Very low price.

0.82 cts.


Rectangular emerald, step cut


7.04 x 4.91 x 3.27mm


Medium-dark, vivid, "forest" bluish green


VS1 type3, near eye clean


None, unoiled.

Carat Price:


Total Price:


What a beautiful unoiled emerald. This Zambian emerald hails from the new Grizzly mine, Zambia. Our last emerald purchased in April of 2023, saw us going through thousands of emeralds, raw, faceted and cut en cabochon as well, only to cherry pick 18 emeralds in 12 days. Do not shy away from this beauty for being less than 1 carat. Calibrated size, beautiful and powerful emerald with a low price tag.

Spell-biding, classic round 6mm size, great color, unoiled Zambian emerald. No reserve.

0.82 cts.


Round, mixed cut


6.12mm diameter  x 4.37mm deep


Medium+, vibrant & vivid, bluish green


VVS2 type3, eye clean


None, unoiled.

Carat Price:


Total Price:


A very beautiful, unoiled round Zambian emerald of desirable size. Gorgeous stone that has been faceted to perfection, with great clean clarity and awesome color, showing off an exotic look. A tad over 6mm round calibrated size  that means you have a vast choice out there for your ultimate e-ring. Or use it for Vedic astrology. Do not shy away from the stone being less than 1 ct. Super clean, awesomely cut, fantastic color, and a 6mm round. Great price.

Imposing, very beautiful & auspicious,
great size, Zambian emerald. Great price.

2.88 cts.


Oval, mixed cut


10.16 x 7.84 x 5.47mm


Medium dark, rich, "forest" green


VS1 type3, good clean



Carat Price:


Total Price:


 What a gorgeous emerald. Medium-dark green, super clean, in a classic oval shape. Do not delay on this one. We buy directly from miner, cutters and first hand dealers around the world, on site, we cut the middle men, and offer these beautiful, natural gems at wholesale to the public. Great looking Zambian emerald of conspicuous size, offered at a wholesale price.

Absolutely gorgeous, beautiful vivid green color with large face cutting, new mine, unoiled Zambian emerald.

1.15 cts.


Unnotched heart, mixed cut shape


7.84 x 7.82 x 3.59mm


Medium, vibrant & vivid, "summer" green


VS1 type3, near eye clean


None, unoiled.

Carat Price:


Total Price:


When I saw this one, I knew I needed to have it. This Zambian emerald possess a vivid, perfect balance of "summer" medium green, a large face for its carat weight, no heavy bottom, more like a 1.8-2.0 cts. stone. Width and length a tad shy of an 8mm, this emerald has an awesome presence & look, that associated with fantastic clarity and gorgeous, fine color is certain to attract the attentions of humans and Gods alike.

Timeless beauty, classic shape, super clean,
unoiled Zambian emerald. 


1.45 cts.


Rectangular emerald, step cut


6.32 x 6.03 x 5.06mm


Medium, vivid, slightly bluish-green color


VVS2 type3, eye clean


None, unoiled.

Carat Price:


Total Price:


Classic cut with super clarity, this Zambian emerald is just a fine stone. It is our mission to provide to the enlightened community around the world, beautiful, auspicious and affordable, Jyotish quality gemstones that are also priced correctly and fair in relation to the quality offered. We believe that all things spiritual should be readily accessible and not sold at premium... is your trusted source of fine Vedic gems at unbeatable prices.

Well cut,  classic emerald step cut shape, super clean, unoiled Zambian emerald. Low price.

0.81 cts.


Rectangular emerald, step cut


6.86 x 4.76 x 3.23mm


Medium-dark, intense, bluish-green color


VVS2 type3, eye clean


None, unoiled.

Carat Price:


Total Price:


Our last gem buying trip has been devoted exclusively to get the cleanest, untreated, sweet and affordable, Jyotish quality emeralds. A very difficult task as these criteria do not go hand in hand. Affordable emerald and possessing a very sweet energy, this is guaranteed to attract the benevolence of Mercury-Budh in your professional life. Either ring or pendant, it will set very well and looking expensive.

Luscious, super clean and with awesome color, unique Colombian emerald.

1.19 cts.


Marquise, mixed cut


13.08 x 4.87 x 3.37mm


Medium +, vivid, "summer" green color


VVS2 type3, eye clean


Negligent oiling

Carat Price:


Total Price:


Alluring Colombian emerald from La Pita mine, Colombia. Luscious color and fine clarity. Great cutting as well, a marquise, mixed cut shape that is simply unique and enthralling. We are direct importers, so rest assured our prices cannot be beaten for the quality offered. Let us make a beautiful and unique Vedic jewel with this beautiful Colombian emerald.

Absolutely beautiful, crystal clean, with perfect cut & intense luster, unoiled Colombian emerald.

0.91 cts.


Rectangular emerald, step cut


5.80 x 5.50 x 4.33mm


Medium, bluish-green color


VVS2 type3, eye clean


None, unoiled.

Carat Price:


Total Price:







Charming, well cut with slender shape, very clean unoiled Zambian emerald.



$964/ct       $1,080/gem

This Jyotish quality, unoiled emerald weighs 1.12 cts., medium, vivid, slightly bluish green color, well executed, slender, drop cut shape, and measuring 8.18 x 5.46 x 4.30mm, super clean, VS1-2 type3 in clarity, no oiling, of Zambian origin. A most sweet, unoiled Zambian emerald with a slender shape, that will make a most auspicious and beautiful astrological jewel to propitiate Mercury. What a very low price. Do not spend 10 times more with our US competitor.

Enthralling, very crystal, classic shape & good size, Colombian emerald for Jyotish Vedic Astrology.



$1,000/ct      $2,440/gem

Old stock, a bargain this one. Classic shape, Colombian emerald weighing 2.44 cts., medium, intense, "spring" green color, perfectly executed, classic emerald, step cut, and measuring 8.82 x 7.75 x 6.15mm, good clean crystal, VS1 type3, from La Pita mine, Colombia. Great crystal clarity and a most perfect cut that delivers great luster and exotic eye appeal. Will set great in any custom setting you will decide it on. At this price, do not think too much.

Classic Zambian emerald,  great clean clarity, gemstone for Jyotish / Vedic astrology.




$1,157/ct    $1,400/gem

A very lovely & clean Zambian emerald in a classic cut. It weighs 1.21 cts., medium, vivid, slightly yellowish & bluish (mix) green color, well executed, square step cut, and measuring 5.60 x 5.47 x 5.03mm, great clarity, VS1 type3, of Zambian origin. A Zambian emerald with a classic cut, that is eye clean, well cut but with a bit of extra depth in the pavilion, resulting in a bit of a small face, therefore discounted. Perfect for any jewel that you are thinking of, this is a great deal and sure to make a most enthralling jewel.

Luscious, ideal cutting proportions with large face, very clean unoiled Zambian emerald.



$1,039/ct    $925/gem

I love pear or drop shape emeralds. This charming emerald weighs 0.89 cts., medium, vivid, slightly bluish green in color, very well executed, drop, mixed cut shape with a large face for its carat weight, more like a 1.8 cts. stone, and measuring 7.90 x 6.83 x 3.58mm, very clean, VS1 type3 in clarity, no oiling, of Zambian origin. Drop shapes emerald make gorgeous pendants. We can design and craft one of our popular pendant jewels with this beautiful emerald. Ask for it. 

Gorgeous top color, well cut with good clarity, Colombian Muzo  emerald.


$2,027/ct      $2,190/gem

What a color! This Colombian emerald weighs 1.08 cts., medium-dark, vivid, slightly bluish green color, well executed, emerald, step cut, and measuring 6.70 x 5.67 x 4.56mm, good crystal, VS2 Type3 in clarity, with minor jardin, from the famed Muzo mine, Colombia. The color is so intense,  beautiful & spell-binding, that the minor jardin and internal imperfections become of secondary importance. This will set magnificently in any setting you are thinking of. 

Beautiful and lustrous, very clean & well cut, unoiled, classic oval,  Zambian emerald.



$1,950/ct     $1,990/gem

A super clean and well cut, unoiled Zambian emerald of definite beauty. It weighs 1.02 cts., medium, vivid, bluish green color, perfectly executed, oval, mixed cut, and measuring 7.86 x 5.96 x 3.81mm, super clean for emeralds, VS1 type3 in clarity, no oiling, of Zambian origin. We like to give our customers a choice in all price range. If you are on a budget, smaller stones a bit less than 1 ct. are great price wise. And yes, very beautiful.  But rest assured that our prices are the best in the industry for the quality offered.   .

Vibrant and clean, well cut and of good size, classic glowing color, Colombian emerald.



$1,638/ct        $3,655/gem

Classic color and cut, this Colombian emerald hits the scale at 2.23 cts., medium, vivid, slightly bluish green color, masterly executed, emerald step cut, and measuring 8.40 x 6.62 x 5.23mm, very fine clarity, eye clean, VVS2-VS1 type3, from the Gachala' mine, Colombia. If you want the classic, glowing green in a well cut and clean emerald, this gem has all the above requisites. Will set great in one of our unique, bespoke pendants. Let us design a timeless jewel.

Gorgeous color, classic square cut with large face, Colombian Muzo emerald.



$2,059/ct      $2,492/gem

Another classic Colombian emerald with fine color, weighing 1.21 cts.,  medium-dark, vivid, slightly bluish green color, excellent, square, step cut with large face, and measuring 6.86 x 6.65 x 3.83mm, very clean crystal with very minor jardin, VS1 type3 from the famed Muzo nine, Colombia. A tad smaller than a 7x7mm square, this emerald has been cut for large appearance. Luscious color, great clarity, definitely will set looking very expensive and will bring the favors of Mercury in your life.

Beautifully luscious, very well cut & super clean with rare clarity, no oiling, perfect oval shape, old mine Zambian emerald / Jyotish Astrology.

$2,183/ct       $2,795/gem

An absolutely beautiful emerald this one! This, old mine, unoiled Zambian emerald weighs 1.28 cts., medium-dark, vivid, bluish-green color, perfectly executed, oval, mixed cut, 8.11 x 6 .11 x 4.13mm, eye clean but to the eagled-eye, VVS2 type3 in clarity, of Zambian origin. Fine color, great cutting, and super rare, clean clarity, makes this unoiled Zambian emerald the perfect candidate for a powerful astrological Jyotish jewel that will transform your life toward business success and clear communication with others.

Alluring, very well cut &  with great clarity, no oiling, perfect oval shape, old mine Zambian emerald / Vedic Astrology.


$2,127/ct       $3,850/gem

Exotic, rare unoiled, old mine Zambian emerald of good size and great presence, this one weighing  1.81 cts., medium, intense, bluish-green color, perfectly executed, oval, mixed cut, and measuring  9.20 x 7.00 x 4.60mm, excellent crystal clarity with a faint line inclusion on the side, VVS2-VS1 type3, of Zambian origin. Another gorgeous, unoiled Zambian emerald that will set delightfully in any setting you are thinking of.

Absolutely gorgeous, unique color,  perfect oval shape, old mine unoiled  Zambian emerald for Jyotish.

$2,145/ct       $5,000/gem

What a gorgeous emerald! This Zambian stone weighs 2.33 cts.,  medium-dark, vivid, strongly bluish-green color, perfectly executed, oval, mixed cut, and measuring 9.94 x 8.03 x 5.17mm,, great clarity, VS1 type3 in clarity, of Zambian origin. In addition to fine characteristics of color, clarity and cutting, this material is not oiled, or better, it does not have reaching surface fissures, like Colombian stones, therefore the oil does not have a way to penetrate internally. This will make a most awesomely beautiful Jyotish ring or pendant.

Rare clean clarity, no oiling, gorgeous drop shape, old mine Zambian emerald / Jyotish Vedic astrology.


$3,801/ct      $6,500/gem

The cleanest, unoiled Zambian emerald ever offered by our company. This beauty weighs 1.71 cts., medium-dark, vivid, strongly blue-green color, perfectly executed, "drop" mixed cut shape, and measuring 10.21 x 7.20 x 4.40mm, eye flawless, super clean, VVS2 type3 in clarity, no oiling, of Zambian origin. This clarity is very rare. Yes, a super clean emerald that comes around once in a lifetime. Add great cutting, and a gorgeous, unique color, and you have a natural, unoiled Vedic emerald for a discerning & fortunate person.

Beautiful, well shaped with great face, good ring size, Colombian emerald for Vedic astrology.


$1,000/ct        $1,720/gem

I love this Colombian emerald. It weighs 1.72 cts., medium, "summer" green color, very well executed, antique cushion, mixed cut, measuring 8.31 x 7.26 x 5.33mm, good clean crystal, VS2 type3 in clarity, from the famous Coscuez mine, Colombia. With prices for quality emeralds off the roof, this Coscuez emerald is a great buy. Very well cut, with great spready face, transparent clarity with average "jardin", exotic & luscious eye appeal, it is guaranteed to set very well, either ring or pendant. Ask for our custom settings. Set yourself apart.

Very crystal with great luster, good shape and well cut, Colombian emerald for Jyotish.


$823/ct           $1,400/gem

Well, while the picture is good enough, this Colombian emerald in real life is better than the pic. It weighs 1.70 cts., medium, "summer" green color, perfectly executed, "drop" mixed cut shape, measuring 9.00 x 6.50 x 5.68mm, good crystal (more crystalline than pic), VS2 in clarity type3, from the La Pita mine, Colombia. A very sweet, in real life cleaner than pic and surely modest in price for somebody on a budget that still will want a good looking, natural Colombian & auspicious Mercury emerald.

One of our best, Gorgeous, super clean, perfect cushion shape, Colombian emerald / Vedic astrology.


$3,734/ct      $9,000/gem

Our finest Colombian emerald from our trip to Colombia in June 2021. This gorgeous emerald weighs 2.41 cts., medium-dark, vivid, slightly bluish-green in color, well executed, cushion, mixed cut, and measuring 9.11 x 7.90 x 5.27mm, very clean crystal, VVS2-VS1 type3 in clarity, basically eye clean, from the Totumos mine, Colombia. Awesome Colombian emerald that is super clean, well cut and possessing that luscious, vivid green that made emeralds from Colombia so famous during the past 6 centuries.

Sweetly imposing, good size & large face with clean clarity, no oiling, old mine Zambian emerald  / Jyotish.


$1,077/ct      $2,650/gem

I love this emerald. It weighs 2.46 cts., medium, bluish-green in color, well executed, oval, mixed cut, and measuring 9.97 x 7.60 x 5.26mm,good clean crystal, VS2 type3 in clarity, of Zambian origin. While Colombian emeralds have a "reputation" of being the finest in terms of purity of color, Zambian emeralds are also a favorite in our stock. While the green is masked with blue tones, their crystallinity, averagely is at par or even superior to their Colombian brothers. Great looking emerald here that has also a great energy and auspicity.

Gorgeous alluring color, perfect cushion shape, new mine Zambian emerald.



$2,558/ct     $5,500/gem

What a color! Really the screen pic does not do any justice here. This emerald is reportedly hailing from a new Zambian mine, called the Grizzly mine. It weighs 2.15 cts., finest emerald color, a very saturated green color (really you have to see it in real life), well executed, antique cushion, mixed cut, and measuring 7.91 x 7.80 x 5.26mm, VS1 type3 in clarity, facing up wonderfully eye clean. Absolutely gorgeous emerald with finest color, well cut and a clarity that is great and very transparent. The pic does not do justice here. Gorgeous, gorgeous emerald. We promise to retake the pic, which does not do any justice here.

Adorable, perfectly cut, nice medium bluish-green color, Jyotish quality Colombian emerald.


$1,905/ct      $4,250/gem

Very lovely and well balanced, heart shape Colombian emerald here, weighing 2.23 cts., medium-light, "spring" green, well executed, heart mixed cut shape, and measuring 8.30 x 9.59 x 5.73mm, very clean, no surface reaching fissures, crystal quality, VS2 type 3 in clarity, from the Pena Blanca mine, Boyaca' District, Colombia. Amiable Colombian emerald of good size, special allure, fine no enhanced clarity, and crafted in that special shape for that special person.

Unique shape, lustrous & very fine jewel,  unoiled Zambian emerald.


$1,875/ct       $2,100/gem

A most lovely, more, very beautiful & clean emerald this one, weighing 1.12 cts., medium, vivid bluish-green color, well executed, unnotched heart, mixed cut shape, and measuring 7.01 x 7.08 x 4.36mm, super rare clarity, VVS2 type3, of Zambian origin. Gorgeous heart shape that is also calibrated. Picked from a parcel of 12 stones, all great and of the same shape and measurements, they allowed me to pick the very cleanest one. Rest assured, this quality is hard to come by. Will set great in anything you are thinking of.

Just beautiful, large face and clean clarity, very pure, old mine, unoiled Zambian emerald. Jyotish & Vedic astrology.


$1,349/ct      $2,200/gem

A beautifully clean and definitely auspicious Zambian emerald, this one weighing 1.63 cts., medium to medium-dark, vivid, slightly bluish green color, well executed, oval, mixed cut, and measuring 8.67 x 6.49 x 4.26mm, super clean, VVS2-VS1 type3 in clarity, unoiled, no treatments, of Zambian origin. Awesome Zambian emerald of excellent color, that is very pure, with a good cutting and without treatment. Will make a most auspicious & beautiful Vedic, Jyotish  jewel, either ring or pendant. Very low price for this beauty.

Super clean, well cut for large appearance, definitely beautiful & auspicious, Colombian emerald.


$1,751/ct     $4,150/gem

A super clean and imposing, Colombian emerald, this one weighing 2.37 cts., medium, vivid, v.slightly bluish-green color, well executed, emerald, step cut, and measuring 8.66 x 7.80 x 4.58mm, basically eye flawless (except for a tiny crystal), VVS2-VS1 type3 in clarity, from the Totumos mine, Colombia. A very beautiful, well cut and super clean, Colombian emerald that will make a most alluring, powerful and auspicious astrological Mercury jewel.

Rare round cut,  gorgeous color with excellent clarity, Colombian Muzo emerald.



$2,037/ct      $2,995/gem

This stone is all about the gorgeous color that the Muzo mine is famous for. This Colombian emerald weighs 1.47 cts., medium++, rich and vivid, v.slightly bluish-green color, well executed, round, mixed cut, and measuring  7.25mm in diameter x 5.47mm deep, clean looking stone VS2-SI1 in clarity type3, from the famous Muzo mine, Colombia. Great looking emerald, that is pleasing in terms of clarity to the eye, it is well cut, and with that wonderful, glowing Muzo color, that is guaranteed to make a most gorgeous, auspicious, planetary talisman jewel.

Emerald alternative. Spell-binding, Mercury astrological sign, Jyotish talisman.



A well crafted in silver-platinum alloy, Mercury astrological talisman, showcasing a fine, Australian Chrysoprase cabochon, weighing 4.28 cts., slightly bluish, "dark lime" green color, 14x10mm oval cabochon, good translucency with no cracks or inclusions, from the Marlborough deposits, Queensland, Eastern Australia. A very imposing visually and well as spiritually, Mercury sign talisman that is sure to attract the benevolence of Mercury in your business activities.

$981/ct         $2,895/gem

Very showy, good clean stone, awesome presence, Colombian drop emerald.
You have to see this Colombian emerald in real life. It weighs 2.95cts., medium-light, bluish-green color, masterly executed for large appearance, drop, mixed cut shape, and measuring 15.43 x 8.39 x 4.83mm, good cleanish stone (light "jardin"), SI1 type3 in clarity, insignificant oiling,  from the Pena Blanca mine, Colombia. The cutter here did a marvelous job. The stone has a large perimeter for its carat weight, and shows off an impressive look. Combined it with fine clarity, makes this Colombian emerald a special one, destined to make a most impressive & auspicious Jyotish pendant.

Fine color, perfect cushion shape, very clean, minor oiling, Colombian emerald. 


$2,937/ct      $4,200/gem

A fine, classic color that made Colombian emeralds famous for. This one weighs 1.43 cts., medium-dark, vivid, bluish-green color, excellent, rectangular, mixed cut cushion, and measuring 7.22 x 6.31 x 5.06mm, very clean emerald, VS1 type3,  guarantee insignificant oiling, from the Totumos mine, Colombia.  A very elegant yet exotic, Colombian emerald cushion in a fine color, well proportioned cut and great clarity, that will mount splendid in one of our unique designs.

Classic color in a perfectly cut, cushion shape, very clean, minor oiling, Colombian emerald. 


$1,897/ct      $3,225/gem

Such a vibrant & lustrous, Colombian emerald this one. It weighs 1.70 cts., medium +, vivid, bluish-green color, excellent, square cushion, mixed cut, and measuring 7.03 x 6.81 x 5.79mm, very clean material, VS2 to SI1 type3, minor oiling, from the Pena Blanca mine, Colombia. Great luster and lively scintillation, very clean emerald with a sought after color and cut. Will make a most beautiful Jyotish ring or pendant in one of our, one-of-a-kind custom jewels. Set yourself apart.

Attractive & unique shape, very clean and well cu, unoiled Zambian emerald



$1,38/ct      $1,400/gem

I love heart shape emeralds. This Zambian one weighs 1.07 ct., medium, vivid, slightly bluish-green color, well executed, unnotched heart, mixed cut shape, and measuring 7.09 x 7.03 x 3.90mm, super clean, VVS2-VS1 type3 in clarity, unoiled, no treatments, of Zambian origin. Super crisp,  crystal quality with an awesome shape. and an overall fine presence. Cut for large appearance, with no extra bottom, this is a 7 x 7mm clean emerald, facing up truly beautiful, and offered at a gift price. You have finally found the ultimate right place for high quality Jyotish gemstones and one-of-a-kind, beautiful Vedic jewelry at the most competitive prices anywhere.

Clean & lustrous, crystal quality, insignificant oil, classic oval, Colombian Chivor  emerald.


$1,545/ct         $2,255/gem       

A very brilliant, full luster and clean, Colombian Chivor emerald, weighing 1.37 cts., medium, intense, bluish-green color, well executed, oval, mixed cut, and measuring 7.56 x 6.51 x 4.99mm, very clean crystal, VS1 in clarity, insignificant oiling, natural emerald with no enhancement, hailing from the famous Chivor mine, Colombia. The Chivor mine is very famous for producing emeralds that have an unique bluish-green color, are very compact with no surface reaching fissures, so usually no oiling is need it or the amount of oil is basically nil. Lustrous & beautiful Chivor emerald.

Luscious, perfectly cut with imposing luster, round shape, Colombian emerald.



$2,241/ct        $2,690/gem

A sensuous, super clean Colombian emerald this one, weighing 1.20 cts., medium +, vivid, slightly bluish-green in color, perfect round, mixed cut, cut for large appearance, and measuring measuring 7mm in diameter x 4.47mm deep, super clean VS2 type3 in clarity, from the Pena Blanca mine, Boyaca' District, Colombia. Gorgeous emerald, with glowing color, fine clarity and perfect cut. Compared to a sapphire, an emerald is less dense, so for the same carat weight, an emerald will look much bigger. This classic 7mm round Colombian emerald will never fail to impress you.

Very clean, sensuous & lustrous, crystal quality, insignificant oil, classic cushion, Colombian Chivor emerald.

$1,656/ct         $2,600/gem

1A bad pic of this enchanting, Jyotish quality emerald here. This Colombian emerald weighs 1.57 cts., medium, vivid bluish green color, well executed, antique cushion, mixed cut, and measuring 7.84 x 6.48 x 5.07mm, very clean crystal, VS1 in clarity, from the famous Chivor mine, Colombia. Very clean emerald with a classic cushion cut, and most of all, insignificant to no oiling, as Chivor emeralds are very compact and very clean, Will mount very well in one of our one-of-a-kind, beautiful & auspicious designer rings or pendants. Set yourself apart.

Welcome to the Planetary Gems Co, known also as Planetary Gems International Co.   or    simply    Your trusted source for Vedic, Jyotish, astrological emeralds.
Pick a gemstone from our extensive inventory, ask to have it set in an one-of-a-kind, astrological, Jyotish rings or pendants, designed exclusively for you. We guaranteed our natural, astrological gemstones to be untreated, clean, and superbly cut to the highest international standards. And most of all, you will not find this quality, at lower prices anywhere else.
Your search is over.

The emerald gemstone remains one of the most popular gems today and is one of the rarest and most valuable precious stones. It is important to know that all emeralds have inclusions and there is no such thing as a flawless emerald (even though we have a Zambian drop shape that is basically loupe clean). Our trips directly to Colombia and Jaipur allow us to hand picked, vibrant and beautiful emeralds at prices that nobody can beat. Be a savvy shopper and do not overpay for your Jyotish gemstones :)

Colombia's Emeralds Gem Buying Photos


Spell-binding, uniquely cut, super clean, Colombian "Chivor" emerald / Jyotish Vedic Astrology.




$1,672/ct     $5,000/gem

This one is an unique, super clean, Colombian emerald. It weighs 2.99 cts., medium, vivid, bluish-green color, nicely executed, emerald, "barrel", mixed cut shape, and measuring 8.80 x 7.55 x 5.77mm, completely eye clean, VVS2 type3 in clarity, from the famous Chivor mine, Colombia. If you want an auspicious emerald for Jyotish purposes, consider this eye clean Chivor emerald. Superb & rare clarity, one-of-a-kind cut that delivers an austere & propitious luster, overall a rare find and guaranteed to bring the favors of Mercury in you life...








1.87 cts., 9.40 x 6.84 x 5.09mm, VVS1-VVS2 type3 in clarity,









2.02 cts., mm, VVS2-VS1 type3 in clarity,







1.58 cts., 7.97 x 6.34 x 4.81mm, VVS1-VVS2 type3 in clarity,

Quick facts

Viewing emeralds the correct way.
1- We have been asked many times how to view correctly emeralds.  In a gem box, an emerald will never display its full potential look. The pic above shows the right way to view an emerald, and see its closest, natural appearance once the stone will be set in a ring or a pendant. Just hold it in between your finger as shown. Having an incandescent light source on in the room, will help also to see the color and brilliance in indoor environment.

2- Colombian emeralds will flourish when set in high karat yellow gold (As a matter of fact, in Colombia, serious old style goldsmiths will refuse to set any emerald in white gold.). While you will see many emeralds set in white gold, 18K yellow gold is the metal of choice, emeralds will just beautify their appearance tenfold. No other colored stone will flourish so much, when set in a high karat yellow gold setting like an emerald does.

Emerald Jewelry Care

1- DO NOT USE ANY ULTRASONIC CLEANER OR STEAMER when you set or clean your emerald. Ask the jeweler that will set your emerald, not to use the buffing wheel to polish the ring or pendant, once the stone is set. The setting should be high polish before setting the emerald. Once the stone is set, the jeweler should just polish the prongs or bezel with the hand piece, without going over the stone in any way. Avoid rapid temperature changes and high heat sources.

2- Clean your emerald periodically (when it is less lively and sparkling) with cold water and a mild soap. Perform this operation with the help of a soft toothbrush. Clean it well, rinse it and dry it. Avoid rapid temperature changes and high heat.

- Emerald is a hard gem, which is however brittle. Make sure to remove your emerald ring before any heavy activities such as washing dishes by hand, or working with tools. A hard knock can break your emerald.

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All rights reserved. Gemstones, jewelry photos & jewelry designs are sole, intellectual property of the Planetary Gems International Co. The use of such    photos & designs by others in any web activity or real implementation is illegal, and these parties will be liable of use of copyrighted material and persecuted by the extent of laws. All prices subject to change without notice, due to constant fluctuation of bank-notes, supply-demand of colored stones and gold prices.
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