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Emerald Gemstone Benefits | Emerald (Panna) Gem Astrology Benefits | planetarygems.com

Gemological properties

Chemical composition: Be3Al2Si603 + Cr Hardness: 7.5 - 8
Density: 2.68 - 2.78 Refractive index: 1.577 - 1.593
Birefringence: 0.005 - 0.009 Pleochroism: Weak to strong dichroism
Color: From light yellowish green to dark bluish green and everything in between Occurrence: The finest emeralds are from Colombia at Chivor, Muzo, Gachala and Coscuez mines. Other fine emeralds come from Brazil, Zambia, Pakistan, Russia, Tanzania (Lake Manyara), Madagascar, Ethiopia. Colombian emeralds from Muzo and Coscuez can be distinguished in a general way because Muzo material is blue-green, whereas that from Coscuez is yellowish green.

Astrological properties

Planet: Mercury 
Cosmic Color: Green     
Number: 5
Chakra: 1st, Sahasrana

Sign: Gemini & Virgo 
Element: Earth
Day: Wednesday
Time: Sunrise

Mercury Mantra

"Aum bum bhudaya namah" repeated 9 times at the time of wearing a Mercury talisman.

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