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Unheated Ceylon Sapphire Sets, Burma Ruby Pairs and Fancy Sapphires Lots |

In this page, you will find matching pairs and sapphires/colored stones sets. Really nice match pairs here without busting your bank. Then our lots and sets. \Well..., these are unique. In terms of  combination of colors, shape, gems variety, unique laid-out designs. We can hand craft beautiful, timeless designer pieces for all of these. Ask for it.


Exquisite, rare oxblood red color with fine shape, untreated Mediterranean red coral pair. No reserve.


$120/ct       $662/pair

Exquisite pair of untreated Mediterranean oxblood corals, weighing 5.52 cttw. total weight, medium oxblood red color, perfectly executed elongated oval-cushion cabochons, measuring 14 x 8mm, with clean, perfect surface  and mirror finish, hailing from off the "coral" coast of Alghero, North-Western Sardinia, Mediterranean sea. Great color and shape, these will make a ravishing pair of earrings. Or even set them as a double pendant for astrology. This color is nowadays rare and not readily available.


Elegantly classy, rare shape and unique make, untreated, Mediterranean red coral, smooth briolette pair. No reserve.


$100/ct      $1,220/pair

What a beautiful and elegant pair here. Ideal for unique earrings. These untreated, Mediterranean red coral, smooth briolette pair weighs 12.20 cttw. total weight, good tomato red color, clean, perfect surface  and mirror finish, measuring 23mm in length x 6.5mm wide, hailing from Southern Sardinian, Mediterranean sea. I remember a movie with Monica Bellucci, the famous Italian actress, where she was wearing in a scene, a beautiful, similar pair. Treat yourself with something unique. We can set them for you n yellow gold earrings. Ask for it.

Very lovely pair of untreated, Ceylon hessonite garnets, 4.6mm rounds. No reserve.




$125/ct      $140/pair

Up for grasp, this lovely pair of untreated hessonite garnets, weighing 1.12 cttw total weight, finest burnt orange color, perfectly executed, round, mixed cuts, and measuring 4.6mm in diameter, eye flawless, VVS1 in clarity, from unknown gem mine, but of Ceylon (Sri Lankan)  origin, cut and polished in Ratnapura. Well, when you want them as side stones for a beautiful ring, or perhaps some earrings, be aware that they are available, but do not have a reserve. Only one pair.

Seductive,  well cut gems with beautiful colors, unheated sapphires 3-gems set.

$450/ct               $914/set

2.03 cttw., the top blue measures 5.10mm in diameter, the purplish pink in the middle 5.73 x 5.20mm, an the teal green on the bottom 5.10mm in diameter, all eye flawless, VVS2 to VS2, type2 in clarity, the blue hailing from Sri Lanka, and the pink and green from Madagascar. Sri Lankan traders import sapphires and other gemstones from all over Africa due to their long tradition in working to the highest standard in cutting and heat treatment. All of our sapphires are 100% natural, without heating, unless otherwise noted like the pair beside). And yes, our Sri Lankan cutter makes his wonders adding the beautiful cutting our company is famous for.

Beautiful color, perfectly cut, rare princess shapes, Ceylon Golden sapphire pair.




Up for grasp a fantastic pair of top color, Ceylon golden sapphires, weighing 0.77 cttw. total for the two stones, top golden color, no browns, just a pure, top golden color, measuring 3.7mm averagely, perfect princess cut shapes, eye flawless, VVS1 type2, super clean and adamantine in luster. There is a slight variation on the measurements, one is just a tad larger than the other. Once in the proper setting, this variation will be negligent to the naked eye, and masked perfectly with the luster of the yellow gold. These are heated sapphires, no chemicals, simply traditional heat.

Exotic & good looking, unheated fancy sapphire 3-gems set.

$350/ct              $882/set

A very lovely, 3-gems set of unheated fancy sapphires, 2.52 cttw. total weight, two violets with a color change to purple, and a light orange center,  one antique cushion and 2 ovals, measuring  5.30 x 4.15mm. the top cushion,  6.00 x 4.83mm the center light orange oval, and 6.30 x 4.75mm the lower. At present, scarcity of unheated sapphires have cause prices to skyrocket, therefore this is a good time to buy.  This is ideal for a 3-gems bespoke pendant. Rare quality.

Royal blue color, perfect cut, exotic shape, 5.5mm trillions, natural Ceylon blue sapphire pair. Hard to get.


$1,000/ct       $1,290/pair

Our last pair of top blue sapphires in this desirable size. Beautiful & rare, perfect size, Ceylon blue sapphire match pair, 1.29 cts. total weight, fine "Royal" blue color, perfectly executed, trillion mixed cuts, and measuring 5.5x 5.5mm , eye flawless, VVS1 in clarity, from the gem fields of Kuruvita, cut & polished in Ratnapura, Sri Lanka. Not easy to come by this size, fine color, perfect cut and clarity,  this sought after pair if perfect for a myriad of projects. Sapphires are heated.

Unique & perfect combination of colors and cut, unheated, Ceylon, teal blue to green sapphires, 3-gem set.

$400/ct              $936/set

If you like the fashionable blue-greens and green colors, this unheated, 3-gems sapphire set is a very good one. It weighs 2.34 cttw. total weight, from the top, a medium, rich teal blue sapphire cushion, measuring 5.81 x 4.79mm, the middle, a pastel, slightly bluish-green sapphire, squarish cushion and measuring 5.08 x 4.72mm, and bottom, a medium yellow-green one, squarish cushion measuring 5.06 x 4.72mm, all super clean, VVS1-2 with eye flawless clarity and perfectly cut in antique cushions style, hailing from Sri Lanka. Great for an exotic 3-gems pendant, this set is very beautiful in real life, slightly graduating in size and progressing in shades. And priced well.

Cheerfully colorful, untreated, hot pink tourmaline and Ceylon fancy sapphire set.


$144/ct              $325/set

A joyful and colorful set of natural, unheated gemstones weighting 2.25 cts. total weight, with a center 0.5 cts., unheated, Brazilian, hot pink tourmaline, 5mm in diameter, flawless gem, IF-VVS type1 from Mina Gerais, Brazil. The outer ring comprises of eight unheated, Ceylon, fancy sapphires, including padparadschas, violet, light purple and orange colors, 3.5-3.7mm round, mixed cuts, eye flawless, VVS1-VS1 from the gem fields of Ratnapura, Sri Lanka. You have to see it in real life, simply bursting with colors and liveliness. Offered at a very low price. Enchanting colors.

Beautiful, natural & unheated, Ceylon white sapphire, diamond cut round pair.



$613/ct       $1,000/pair

Possibly one of  the mostt beautiful pair of unheated Ceylon white sapphires offered in a while now, weighing 1.63 cttw. total weight (we have also a pair of 6mm Rds, scroll below...), finest white hue (colorless), perfectly executed, modified round, diamond cut, and measuring 5.5mm in diameter, super clean material, VVS1 in clarity, from the gem fields of Elahera, cut & polished in Ratnapura, Sri Lanka. Awesome & lustrous pair, very desirable size, Only by seeing them, you will appreciate the beauty of this completely natural pair of white sapphires.

Very lovely,  good match, Ceylon blue sapphire 5mm trillions pair. No reserve.



$927/ct            $900/pair

Our last pair of blue sapphires of fine color 5mm trillion side accents. This pair weighs 0.97 cts total, medium-dark,  "cornflower" blue color, perfectly executed, 5mm trillion mixed cuts, super clean, VVS2 in clarity, from Sri Lanka. This is our last pair of 5mm. Good match, clean and well cut, these are surely set great as side accents to a diamond or a white center stone in general. We have also a 5.5mm trillion pair, if interested, same great quality, a bit better color. Sapphires are heated.

Perfect, unheated, Madagascar pink sapphires pair. Rare quality.



We have only 2 pairs of this gorgeous, unheated pink sapphires, weighing 0.67 cttw., and 0.65 cttw., medium, vivid, very slightly orangish pink color, perfectly executed, round, Portuguese cuts, and measuring 4.15mm and 4.10mm respectively, from the gem fields of Ilakaka, cut & polished in Kuruvita, Sri Lanka. Only 2 pairs left, these are perfectly cut, clean and with great color, and unheated. Loads of sparkle here. Very lovely. 

Beautiful, natural & unheated, Ceylon white sapphire, drop shape pair. Rare.



A beautiful and hard-to-get, natural, unheated pair of Ceylon white sapphires, weighing 1.21 cttw. total weight, finest white hue (colorless), perfectly executed, drop mixed cut shapes, and measuring 6.05 x 4.05mm, very clean material, VVS2 in clarity, from various gem mining locations, cut & polished in Ratnapura, Sri Lanka. Great for many uses as earrings or side stones, these are not easy to get, also considering that there is an abundance of synthetic white sapphires on the market sold as natural. Last pair available.

Burma, untreated Spinel collection, 38 stones, 21.15 cttw. Beautiful lot.

$130/ct             $2,750/lot

Attention jewelry designers. Up for grasp a very beautiful and usable lot of natural, untreated multicolor spinels hailing from Upper Burma. There are 38 stone for a total carat weight of 21.15 cts., the biggest a pink of 0.92 cts., classic Burmese spinels colors in bright pinks, oranges & teals, well cut in rounds, rovals and ovals, and all with eye flawless look, VVS1 to VS1 in clarity, from unknown deposits, Upper Burma. Great colors, superb luster, clean clarity, let your imagination take over from here.

Beautiful lot of unheated, Madagascan blue-green sapphires, 9.45 cttw. for 24 rounds.




$120/ct             $1,134/lot

A very usable, beautiful and well priced lot of unheated blue-green sapphires, hailing from somewhere in Madagascar, 9.45 cttw. (carats total weight), 24 pcs. Portuguese round, mixed cuts, size ranging from 4.75mm the biggest to 3.96mm the smallest and everything  in between, ranging from "aqua green" to "teal" colors all unheated and untreated, super clean material, all eye flawless, VVS1 in clarity. A very versatile lot for a myriads of uses in bespoke jewels. Beautiful in colors, clarity cutting and absence of any treatment.

Simply beautiful, unique shades from bluish-green to teal, our "antique" cushion cuts, unheated, Ceylon, 3-gems sapphire set.  

$400/ct            $1,076/set

Not only meticulously providing, natural, unheated sapphires from worldwide locations (mainly Ceylon material), but what about these 3-gem sets available in this page? Hard to find, and already matched for you, with same cutting and slightly graduating in color & size? What about this one, if you like blue-green sapphires? This sapphire set weights 2.69 cts. total for the 3 sapphires, a mix of bluish-green to blue-green to teal blue color, perfectly matching, antique cushions, slightly graduating,  measuring 5.5 x 4.9mm the top, 5.7 x 5.15mm the middle, and 5.8 x 5.15mm the bottom, all eye flawless, VVS1 in clarity from Sri Lanka. Simply gorgeous!

Super lovely, good color combination, unheated Ceylon sapphires and garnets.




2.15 cttw. total weight, 9 stones in a mix of Ceylon sapphires and garnets, all unheated & untreated. The center, unheated Ceylon lemon yellow sapphire weighs 0.77 cts. , measuring 5.14 x 4.44 x 3.58mm, the 4 unheated Ceylon deep blue sapphires in 3.5mm round diamond cuts with a weight of 0.77 cts.,  and 3.1mm the garnets, 2 Mali garnets and 2 Ceylon rhodolites, the garnets with a total of 0.61 cts.. All super clean, VVS1 in clarity. All beautiful. fine colors in their category, Either ring or pendant, this is a real unique, well matched set of untreated gems destined to attract benevolence.

Shades of pinks. Very beautiful & affordable, 3-gems, unheated, Ceylon sapphire set.

$475/ct         $732/set

Real nice, sweet & feminine, unheated, 3-gems pink sapphire set, weighing 1.54 cttw. total weight, different shades of pink, from baby pink to vivid, purplish-pink,  graduating in size and color, well executed, round mixed cuts, and measuring 5mm, 4.65mm and 4.6mm respectively, all eye flawless, VVS1-VVS2 in clarity, from different Sri Lankan mining locations, cut & polished in Ratnapura, Sri Lanka. Delightful set of graduating shades of pink. All unheated, all rare, ideal for a 3 gems pendant.

Unique, designer set, rare unheated Ceylon faint yellow sapphires & Padparadscha.

An unique set of unheated, Ceylon faint yellow sapphires (or tinted white), matching in color and graduating in shape/size, totaling 4.60 cts for the 3 cushions and a pink-orange Padparadscha sapphire of 0.54 cts., trillion shape. They measure approx. 8.1 x 6.4mm to 6.80 x 5.80 for the cushions, and 4.8x4.8mm the  Padparadscha. All eye flawless, VVS1-2, super clean material. All from Sri Lanka, various gem mining locations, cut & polished in Ratnapura. A real nice set that will mount well in a custom, designer pendant, perhaps something like this....Great price for a completely natural material of this quality.

$185/ct             $951/set

Very charming, perfect set for an one-of-a-kind ring, unheated, Ceylon fancy and blue sapphires set. Gorgeous.


$650/ct          $3,231/set

What a gorgeous set. Unheated, Ceylon sapphires lay-out, weighting 4.97 cts total weight for the 7 stones, the also unheated, center white sapphire weights 1.32 cts., "antique" cushions, mixed cuts crafted to perfections, all eye flawless, VVS1-2 in clarity. We designed a ring especially for this set. Click on this link to view it. Extra charge will apply for the crafting of ring. Set yourself apart. And stop paying more money for lower quality material. We are the source. Possibly a second (same lay out) variation with a slightly bigger white sapphire center.

Designer parcel, cornucopia of colors, well cut & clean, "Fancy" & blue sapphires lot. No reserve.


$275/ct           $6,617/set

Attention designers and/or collectors! A most gorgeous, rare, unheated/untreated, Ceylon and Madagascar, "fancy" & blue sapphires set, weighting 24.06 cts. total weight, for the 30 (thirty), sapphires, 4.63mm (in diameter) the smallest and 6.33mm the biggest. They are all perfectly cut and eye flawless, from IF-VVS1 to VVS2-VS1 in clarity At $180 average for each stone, this is a fantastic deal. Blues, yellows, one orange, yellow-greens, greens, color changers, violets, purples, Padparadscha & pink sapphires are the colors in this marvelous set. Our idea is for a necklace (chocker 16-17" long) but can be used them individually as well...Anyway, collected over a period of 3 years. Rare, rare, rare.

Exotic trio, lustrous & unique, unheated, Ceylon, 3-gems purple sapphire set. Just beautiful.


$450/ct                 $981/set

A ravishing & unique, 3-gems, unheated sapphire set in rare shades of purple.  The set weights 2.18 cts. total weight for the 3 sapphires, measuring  5.1mm the top, 5.35mm the middle, and 5.45mm the bottom one, all eye flawless, VVS1-2 in clarity, from the gem fields of Marapana, Sri Lanka. Absolutely beautiful, if you like shades of purple, this is a set that will enchant you. And how well they stay together, it is simply amiable. Very rare material, clean, superbly cut, scintillating and exotic in look & feel. Do not hesitate to me it yours.

Absolutely charming, very unique, super eye clean, unoiled Colombian emerald, Padparadschas and pink sapphires set. No reserve.



Simply a super gorgeous set, comprising of 3.03 cts. of Ceylon "fancy" sapphires,  ranging from 3.5mm to 4.25mm, rounds, all clean and unheated, and a center, unoiled Colombian emerald weighting  0.63 cts., medium, "spring" green color, v.slightly bluish, perfectly executed, emerald, step cut, measuring 5.9x4.2mm, completely eye clean (no inclusions visible whatsoever), VVS2 in claritytype3 from the Chivor mine, Colombia. There are 2 match pairs of Padparadscha sapphires 3.5mm (worth the whole price.), the very rare, completely eye flawless emerald (worth more than the whole price), you do the math...An excitement in its purity and sparkling, well combined colors! We can do a bespoke, one-of-a-kind pendant at a great price too...ask for it.

Rich & classic colors, well cut & clean, definitely beautiful, unheated, Ceylon blue & yellow sapphire set.

$550/ct             $1,150/set

Really wonderful, 3 gem-sapphires set. It is all about the colors! it weights 2.09 cts. total for the 3 stones, top fine blue & top lemon yellow colors, masterly executed, all "antique" cushion, mixed cut, and measuring 5.60 x 4.87mm the top blue, 5.18 x 4.33mm the yellow, and 5.00 x 4.32mm the smaller, bottom blue. The sapphires are all eye flawless, VVS1- VVS2 in clarity and hail from the gem fields of Nivitigala, and cut & polished in Ratnapura, Sri Lanka. Fine blues and lemon yellow, they all go perfectly well together, for an exotic 3-gem sapphire set, ideal for a custom made pendant. Have one designed by us, an Italian, one-of-a-kind touch will be there..... 

Unique, untreated Tsavorites and "fancy" sapphires set. Beautiful colors, beautiful lay out for pendant.

$400/ct            $3,564/set

See this pendant, loose gems set in real life. Simply fabulous! It weights 8.91 cts. total for the 15 stones, a combination of 13 untreated/unheated fancy sapphires and 2 tsavorites, the unheated, center white sapphire weights 1.27 cts. and measures 6.60 x5.00mm. For your referral the tsavorites pear shapes are 6.2x4.2 and the round sapphires at the corners are 4.3-4.4mm. They are all eye flawless, from IF to VVS2-VS1 in clarity and all well cut. Need this to have it set in something special? We can design an one-of-a-kind pendant for it. Just ask. Or buy the loose set and have it mounted by your favorite designer....

Simply gorgeous set of unheated golden sapphire, ox-blood corals and light green Mali garnets. No reserve. Only one.


A very beautiful and compelling, "cross" set, incorporating all untreated, natural, colored gems, featuring a center, unheated, Madagascan, golden sapphire weighting 1.13 cts., top, golden color,  excellent, oval, mixed cut, measuring 6.7x5.1mm, flawless gem, IF-VVS type2 from Ilakaka, Madagascar. The four ox-blood, not treated corals are 4.6mm rounds, and are of Japanese origin. The light, pastel green, Mali garnets are 3.3mm rds, all diamond cuts and all flawless clarity. This is a delightful, spiritual set for that ultimate, timeless cross. Ask to have it set in high carat gold and you will just love the result. To please your eye and raise your spirit!

Rare, Delightful, good size
& well match, unheated, Ceylon blue sapphire pair.



$800/ct          $2,176/pair

Amiable and rare, match pair of unheated, Ceylon blues, 2.72 cts. total weight for the pair, medium to medium-light, "cornflower" blue color, one stone weighting 1.33 cts. and measuring 6.69 x 5.50mm, the other weighting 1.39 cts. and measuring 6.76 x 5.48mm, both in oval, mixed cut shapes, all eye flawless, VVS1-2 from the gem fields of Kuruvita, Sri Lanka. Well, not many unheated blues around. These ones are well above 1 carat each, good match, clean, well cut & affordable. Take advantage of this low price now.

Exciting color, beautifully & uniquely cut, untreated, Pakistani peridot, match pair. No reserve.


$200/ct               $828/pair

Wow, I love this cut. This matched pair of untreated peridots weight 4.14 cts. total weight, medium, vivid, intense "apple" green color, superbly executed in a 7x7mm, square step cuts, flawless gem, IF-VVS1 from the Suppatt region, Pakistan. Perfect matching pair of the most sought after Pakistani peridot in larger size. These are cut to perfection in a rare square cut and the color is simply fantastic. An unique pair that will enliven your life.

Mystical, very beautiful, one-of-a-kind, unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphires set.



$400/ct             $3,768/set

Well, you have to see this unheated, Ceylon fancy sapphires layout real life. Simply fabulous.  It weights 9.42 cttw. total in weight, and it comprises of 25 unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphires, from pastel yellows to Padparadschas & pinks, to violets, and "whisky" colors, with a center bluish-silver sapphire, all perfectly cut, from 6.5x5.5mm the yellows to around 3mm the smaller round ones, and everything in between, all eye flawless, from IF-VVS1 to VS1 in clarity, from various Sri Lankan mining locations. The layout measures approx. 1 1/2" long and 1 1/4" wide as is (loose). At this price, simply a steal. Ask for a custom, designer pendant or brooch. We can do it.

Simply delightful, beautiful colors, no heat, Ceylon, 3-gems sapphire set. Just perfect.

$450/ct            $1,085/set

These 3 unheated, Ceylon fancy sapphires are simply a must have. They represent well enough the magic and allure of the fabled island-nation of Sri Lanka and its long history of producing the best sapphires in the world.  The complete, 3-gems set weights 2.41 cts. total in weight, a combination of light purple, rich golden and intense, purplish-pink colors,  perfect "antique", "flower" cushions, and measuring 5x4.35 the light purple, 5.8x4.84mm the rich golden-yellow and 5.67x4.6mm the purplish-pink respectively, all eye flawless to loupe flawless, IF-VVS1-2. Set yourself a part with this, rich colored, Ceylon sapphire 3-gems set. Ask for a custom, designer pendant. We can do it.

Rich & bold, spell-binding, one-of-a-kind, unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphires set. Fabulous.


$400/ct          $5,744/set

A most fascinating & spell-binding unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphire set, weighting a great 14.36 cts. total, comprising of 19 sapphires, a "champagne" center, light diamond yellows, padparadschas, pinks, violets, color changers, purples. All very well cut, all supremely sparkling, all eye flawless, VVS1-2 in clarity, from various Sri Lankan mining locations. In real life simply stunning. Where else can you find a set like this at this price? At $375 per carat, simply a steal...all the yellows are well over 1 ct. in weight...Mount them as depicted in yellow gold for an one-of-a-kind designer pendant or brooch....But do not delay because destined to go up in price.

Gorgeous, very good match, unheated, Ceylon  white" sapphire pair. Unique & rare.



$677/ct          $1,200/pair

Lustrous & perfectly matched. These are the main characteristics of this beautiful, unheated, Ceylon white sapphire pair, weighting 1.77 cts. total weight, fine white color, masterly executed, round flower cut, and measuring 5.85-6mm, eye flawless, VVS2 from the gem fields of Ratnapura, Sri Lanka. Very well match pair, the luster and scintillation are at their best. Very clean as well, these possess a diamond-like luster. This is a one time opportunity, because unheated matching pair of this perfection & beauty in 6mm round flower in white sapphires are simply not available.

Mesmerizing & gorgeous, one-of-a-kind, unheated & untreated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphires, tsavorite, red rubellite & emerald set.


$400/ct            $4,068/set

Guaranteed simply spell-binding. This laid out set has 25 gem pieces, for a 10.17 cts. total weight of gemstones, with 7.27 cts. of Ceylon "fancy" sapphires (the yellows and Pads are no heat and the blues trillions are low heat treated), 1.88 cts. of semi-precious stones (two, super fine, hot pinkish red rubellites & two medium green tsavorites) and 1.04 cts. of Zambian emeralds. To give you an idea of sizes, the blues trillions are 4-4.2mm and the emeralds 3-3.1mm. The set measures approx. 1 7/8" long and 1 1/2" wide as is (loose). In real life, simply magical and one of-a-kind, destined to a very special person. Can design & craft the jewel if anyone is interested.

Spell-binding "snowflake" shaped set, unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphires and Brazilian green tourmalines.


$400/ct           $5,344/set

Absolutely gorgeous, this is a set that will make a most compelling "snow-flake" shaped pendant or brooch. The total weight of the set is 13.36 cts. . It features a cornucopia of unheated & untreated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphires and Brazilian green tourmalines.  with 1.01 cts. the two, Brazilian green tourmalines and 12.35 cts. the Ceylon "fancy" sapphires. 19 stones in total and it is 1 3/8" long and wide as is (loose). We can set it for you in one-of-a-kind jewel that will certainly please the eyes and raise your spirit. One-of-a-kind, numbered, for the special & fortunate person.

Absolutely gorgeous, your classic Ceylon colors, all no heat, 3-gems sapphire set. A must have.

$425/ct         $1,075/set

These are the classic sapphire colors found in the gem gravel of Sri Lanka. Such a purity of hues in this trio, weighting 2.53 cts. total weight, all medium, vivid & intense colors, masterly executed, "antique" rectangular cushions, measuring 6.33x4.75mm the blue, 5.92x4.47mm the pink, and 6.20x4.40mm the yellow respectively. All eye flawless, VVS1-2 and of course, completely natural, without any heat treatment. Hailing from the Nivitigala area, Sri Lanka. We assure you that when mounted in a one-of-a-kind, journey pendant, these just look fantastic. Get some charm back in your life...we live only once.

Absolutely amiable, simply perfect, unheated, unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphires set. Super gorgeous.

$430/ct                 $851/set

Ravishing & perfect set, these 3 unheated, Ceylon sapphires weight 1.98 cts., total weight, a medium, vivid shade of sunshine yellow, "cornflower" blue and intense pink, perfectly executed, round, "star" cuts, they measured respectively 5.12mm the yellow, 5.2mm the blue and 5.3mm the pink, therefore slightly graduated in size, all super clean, VVS1 from the gem fields of Marapana, Sri Lanka. Absolutely delightful 3-gems set, ideal for a journey pendant, perfectly match in round "star" cuts, v.slightly graduated,....Ahh, the limitation of words.... Simply gorgeous!

Exciting, colorfully dancing, unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphire, 3-gems set. Exotic.


$350/ct                $889/set

Colorful scintillation of exciting, unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphires, this 3-gems set weights 2.54 cts. total weight, an array of violet, a very rare "hot pink" and yellow colors, measuring 6.25x5.25mm the oval, mixed cut violet one, 5x5mm square, mixed cut cushion the hot pink, and 6.7x5.25mm the oval, mixed cut yellow. They are all eye flawless, VVS type2 clarity and all have been mined and cut in the Ratnapura area, Sri Lanka. Just the unheated, top hot pink sapphire is worth the total price.... A truly gorgeous and exotic set of rare, unheated, Ceylon sapphires at below wholesale price (do not pay 5 times more for the same quality...).

Diamond-like, hypnotic & fabulous, unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphire set. Very sparkling.


$350/ct                  $865/set

Wow, a beautiful, unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphire set, weighting 2.47 cts total weight, pastel, fancy colors in greenish-yellow and light padparadscha-champagne, perfectly executed, "antique" cushion, flower cut, measuring approx. 5.5x5mm the smallest, 5.6x5mm the pad and 5.95x5.1mm the biggest, all eye flawless, VVS type2 from the gem fields of Nivitigala, Sri Lanka. Having purchased a large parcel of unheated, fancy colors during our last trip to Sri Lanka, these are priced very well. This particular set is simply irresistible, awesomely diamond-like sparkling and destined to mount truly exquisite.

Cornucopia of exciting colors, mystical combination, untreated sapphires, tsavorite and emeralds set. Beautiful!


$300/ct                  $852/set

I love the colors of this set!  This combo weights 2.84 cts. total weight, with a 0.99 cts. unheated, medium, intense orange colored, Madagascan sapphire, perfectly executed, 6x6mm "antique", cushion cut. The outer combination of gems weights 1.85 cts. total and it has a medium, bright mint color, Kenyan tsavorite, 5.5x4.5mm pear shape, four clean, Zambian emeralds 3mm rds and unheated, Madagascan, violet sapphires, approx 4mm rds. All eye flawless, all untreated, all rare and beautiful! Just the unheated, orange sapphire is worth more than the whole set. We can set this magical combo in a gorgeous, high carat, yellow gold "spoked" pendant...Exciting array of colors, at a very low price! Do not hesitate...unique!

Succulent, vibrant with hot colors, unheated, Ceylon, "fancy" sapphires, 3-gems set. Exquisite.

$478/ct               $1,140/set

A most unusual array of succulent colors in this unheated, Ceylon 3-gems, sapphire set and 2 baguettes 4 x 2mm, weighting 2.38 cts. total weight, composed by a greenish-yellow, a pastel pink and a top golden-orangish color, perfectly executed, square and rectangular cushions, "flower" cut, all eye flawless, VVS to VS type2 from the gem fields of Ratnapura, Sri Lanka. Unheated sapphires have truly a vast spectrum of colors, make them the perfect, sophisticated choice for real connoisseurs. A real pleaser set, destined to make a most appealing 3-gems journey pendant. Have us design and craft a personalize, custom made, 3-gems journey pendant for you...will guarantee you an amazing jewel!

Very unique, earthy colors, unheated, Tunduru "fancy" sapphires set.


$450/ct               $1,062/set

And here is something that is very special. Exotically unusual, unheated sapphire set weighting 2.36 cts. total weight, a combination of medium-dark grayish-green,  reddish-orange and dark teal-blue colors (of course, all natural, no heat treatment), perfectly executed, round, "flower" cut, very slightly graduating from 5.7mm to 5.5mm, all eye flawless, VVS type2 from the Tunduru region, Southern Tanzania, East Africa. If you like earthy colors, here is a suit of unheated sapphires from Africa with very unusual, almost "burnt" deeper colors. And sold at below cost...excellent deal!

Glittering with candy-like color, most fascinating trio, unheated, Ceylon "purple" sapphires set.  Just gorgeous!



$400/ct                $736/set

Alluring, unheated, Ceylon, "fancy" sapphires, 3-gems set weighting 1.84 cts. total weight, in daylight a beautiful, slightly graduated  shades of pink-purple, shifting to rich orchid-purple colors in incandescent light, perfectly executed rounds, modified diamond cuts, measuring ....  , all eye flawless, VVS type2 from the gem fields of Marapana, Sri Lanka. I cannot believe these prices for our unheated sapphires...they are just way too low. When these unheated "fancy" are gone, if we will get more stock, we will need to increase our prices. The luster, brilliance and liveliness of these babies is simply enchanting...dreamy...

Sweetly lovable, all well cut and vibrant gems, unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphires, 3-gems set. Adorable.


$400/ct                 $832/set

We love to make 3-gems sets...Have a change from the so common and exploited diamonds...Use unheated, Ceylon sapphires to add more color and excitement to your life. This unheated sapphires set weights 2.08 cts. total for the 3 gems, a combination of a mid "cornflower" blue (that is slightly a color change), 5.3mm round mixed cut, then a mid purple with pink undertones, 5.25mm in diameter, round, mixed cut, and a "maize" yellow color, 5mm in diameter, round, mixed cut. All 3 gems have eye flawless clarity, VVS type2 and all have been mined and cut in the Nivitigala area, Sri Lanka. Delightful set.

Alluring, very well matched, Burmese ruby pair. Scarce to come by...great price.


$1,188/ct        $2,400/pair

A beautifully match, Burma ruby pair, with a weight of 1.49 cts. total for the two stones, one stone weighting 0.78 cts. and measuring 5.43 x 4.50 x 3.33mm,   the other is a 0.71 cts., 5.47 x 4.50 x 3.14mm. Both rubies are eye flawless, VVS1-2 in clarity, super clean, possessing a great luster and wonderful pigeon's blood red color with slightly pinkish undertone. Burmese rubies have always been steadily climbing in price. Very little production and huge demand worldwide keep prices always very high for what are considered the best rubies in the world. This is a great, very well match pair of clean and awesomely colored Burma rubies. Hard to find. Low heated. 

Burmese ruby pair. Top quality, affordable, lab certified.





 Not large stones, but very beautiful, this Burmese ruby pair weighs 0.62 cttw. total weight, fine pigeon's blood red color, , 4.5mm x 3.6mm, VVS1-2 in clarity, super clean. Burmese rubies pairs a always hard to find. Great as side stones for a 3-gems ring or use it for earrings. Whatever the use, these are guaranteed very beautiful, with a classic color, and with a sweet price tag as well.

Delightful, magnificently lustrous, one-of-a-kind, unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphire set.


$400/ct            $860/set

"Fancy" sapphires are those sapphires not blue in color. Here is a marvelous and hypnotic set of unheated "fancy", totaling 2.15 cts. for the 3 stones, a 5.5mm light purple color,  a 5.3mm the padpa-orange and a 5.15mm the yellow sapphire, all rounds, modified diamond cut, all perfectly cut to ideal proportions, all completely flawless. A delightful set, joyful and sparkling, completely unheated and untreated as mother nature created these pebbles millennia ago inside her. We can set it for you in a custom designer, 3-gems pendant...just ask. At this price, do not hesitate...only the orange, slightly pinkish one in the middle is worth the whole price!

Exciting, strong colors with perfect cutting, unheated, Ceylon 3-gems sapphire set. Very beautiful.

$450/ct              $1,170/set

A beautifully colored, 3-gems sapphire set, of 2.60 cts. total weight, medium, vivid, "lemon" yellow, 'cornflower" blue and pink-purple colors respectively, all perfectly cut in round, "star" mixed cuts, and measuring, diameter wise, 5.37mm the yellow, 5.78mm the mid "cornflower" blue and 5.79mm the pink-purple, all eye flawless, VVS1 from different locales of the Sri Lankan mining areas. Slightly graduated, the completely unheated/untreated sapphires have beautiful & compelling colors, along with perfect cut and clean clarity. Set them in a custom, 3-gems "journey" pendant to add color to your life.

Adorable, sparkling & well cut, unheated, Ceylon light yellow & orange sapphire, 3-gems set.

$350/ct                  $613/set

A very bright 3-gems set of unheated, Ceylon sapphires weighting 1.75 cts. total for the 3 sapphires, from top, a 5.8mm light yellow (with greenish undertones), a 4.98mm light orange and a 5mm light "straw" yellow at the bottom. All three are round, "flower" cut in a pastel, light tone colors. The clarity is eye flawless, VVS1-2 and hail from the Marapana gem area, Sri Lanka. Ideal for a 3-gems journey pendant, this untreated sapphires are simply a delight to be experienced. Very lustrous indeed. Will brighten your day. 

Simply & absolutely gorgeous, unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphire pendant set. Have it set in an one-of-a-kind,  designer pendant.



Wow, what a unique cornucopia of colors. This eventually will be set in yellow gold, unless somebody will get it as is, loose that is. This montage, pendant set weights 6.82 cts. total weight, (4.98 cts. for the 9 main, completely no heat, Ceylon sapphires rounds, and 1.84 cts. for the 12 multicolor (perhaps slightly heated?) sapphire baguettes ). The baguettes are 4x2mm approx, and the rounds are, the smallest yellow 4.3mm in diameter and the biggest blue (color change) 5.5mm with everything in between for the rest. If you like we can set it for you. Let us create a gorgeous, one-of-a-kind pendant that you will cherish forever.

Classy & elegant, truly beautiful and scintillating, rare, unheated, Ceylon, "fancy" sapphire set. Below cost.


$400/ct              $1.032/set

Wow, you have to se this one. Super beautiful, unheated, Ceylon fancy sapphire set,  weighting 2.58 cts. total weight, pastel colors in yellow and light pink, marvelously cut in fancy, ovals "flower" cut, measuring approx. 6x5mm, all eye flawless, VVS type2 from the gem fields of Pelmadulla, Sri Lanka. A truly beautiful set, charming to the eye and vibrantly exciting to the spirit. See it in person to fall in love with these diamond-like, unheated sapphires. Have us design and craft a personalize, custom made, 3-gems journey pendant for you...will guarantee you an amazing jewel!

A most beautiful & exotic set of unheated, Ceylon, "fancy" sapphires. Fine colors!


$500/ct               $1,135/set

I really like this 3- pieces set! It weights 2.27 cts. total weight.,  with an orange sapphire on top, a pink, slightly orangish (padparadscha) in the middle and a yellow-golden color in the bottom. All three sapphires are masterly "antique", mixed cushion cut (with flower" pavilion) for maximum scintillation and luster, measuring ....and all three are basically flawless, IF-VVS type2, originating from Balangoda, Sri Lanka. Exceptionally well cut, good colors, this set will definitely brighten your day. And all in all, unheated and untreated as mother nature meant them to be...Ideal for that 3-gems pendant you are dreaming of....

Very beautiful, master oval cuts, elegantly vivacious, unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphires set. A charmer!

$470/ct                $1,024/set

This set is simply beautiful! 2.20 cts. total weight of spell-binding and lustrous, unheated, Ceylon sapphires, a solar lemon-yellow color, a succulent purple and a marine "cornflower" blue, magnificently executed, oval, "flower" cut, and measuring approx. 5.5x4.8mm the blue, 5.45x4.5 the purple and 5x4.5mm the yellow, all perfectly flawless, IF-VVS type2 from the gem fields of Balangoda, Sri Lanka. These 3 gems are cut to perfection, the luster is outstanding, and they have finest clarity. Overall, a gorgeous set that will brighten your life. Have us design and craft a personalize, custom made, 3-gems journey pendant for you...will guarantee you an amazing jewel!

Vividly exotic, almost edible, enchanting, unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphire set. Beautiful!

$450/ct                 $945/set

A most irresistible set of unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphires, weighting 2.10 cts. total weight, an array of exotic colors, purple, golden and violet, marvelously cut in an "antique" cushions, flower cut, measuring approx. 5.3x4.8mm the purple on top, and 4.8x4.8 squares the yellow and violet below. All with finest clarity, VVS type2 from the gem fields of Ratnapura, Sri Lanka. Strong colors for unheated sapphires, perfectly cut and abundant in scintillation and luster, these will enliven your existence. Have us design and craft a personalize, custom made, 3-gems journey pendant for you...will guarantee you an amazing jewel!

Very beautiful, rare 2+ cts. total, fine Burma 3-gems pendant set. Perfect.


$1,633/ct          $3,300/set

A super gorgeous, Burmese ruby, 3-gems set, weighting 2.02 cts. total weight, finest, pigeon's blood red" color, masterly executed, ovals/cushions, mixed cut, measuring 5.5x4.4mm, 5.6x4.5mm and 5.65x4.6mm, respectively from top to bottom, (v.v.slightly graduating in size), very clean, eye flawless, VVS1  in clarity from the Mong Hsu mining area, Upper Burma. It is a top quality, Burma ruby set, over 2 cts. total in weight. Some other companies sell single 2 cts. Burma rubies, 12 times more this price. Let us craft for you a gorgeous, 3-gems, Jyotish pendant for it. It will be unique, captivating, and guaranteed of the highest quality....and for the lowest  price you will find anywhere.

Enchanting, very sparkling, unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphire set. Perfectly cut too.


$425/ct              $1,054/set

A very lustrous set of unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphires, weighting 2.48 cttw. total weight, two "straw" yellow color ovals, and one center, violet cushion, masterly executed, oval and "antique' cushion , "flower' cuts, and measuring 6.1x5.3mm the top oval, 5.3x4.9mm the center cushion, and 5.9x5.3mm the bottom oval. They are all eye flawless, super clean, IF-VVS1 from the gem fie3lds of Ratnapura, Sri Lanka. You have to see this 3-sapphire set in real life. Not only perfectly cut and absolutely flawless, the combination of the two matching yellows with the violet center one is simply magical & exotic. Have them set in a custom-made journey pendant....

 Spiritually compelling, one-of-a-kind,, unheated, Ceylon whites & yellow sapphire & Colombian emeralds cross combo. No reserve.




The cross is one of the most sacred symbols venerated by all ancient civilizations (not only by the Christians). This cross set weights 6.23 cts. total in weight., with 5.18 cts. of unheated, Ceylon white & yellow sapphires and 1.05 cts. of Colombian emeralds. Cross layout as seen in pic measures 1 1/4" long and slightly over 1 " wide. The unheated white sapphires range from 5x5 to 6x5mm approx, all "antique" cushion shapes, all eye flawless, VVS1 in clarity from the gem fields of Marapana, Sri Lanka. The unheated yellow sapphire is a medium, vivid, "lemon" yellow color, it is perfectly executed in an "antique" cushion, and of course eye flawless, VVS1 from the same mining locale. The Colombian emerald are outstandingly clean, medium, vivid in color, well cut. Beautiful & one-of-a-kind set.

Exciting & lustrous, very well matched, low heated, Ceylon golden sapphires set. Real nice.


$400/ct             $1,128/set

Marvelous & exotic set of Ceylon golden sapphires, 2.82 cts. total weight, finest golden yellow color, well crafted in an oval, mixed cut, measuring 6.5x5mm, and graduating slightly to 6.8x5.5mm, eye flawless, VVS type2 from the Nivitigala gem fields, Sri Lanka. The color is simply beautiful, and surely these 3 sapphires will make a most ravishing Jupiter pendant talismans for a very low investment for the quality offered. The stones are low heat treated to bring out the golden color...with the traditional method of blow pipe used by Sri Lankan miners. We can design and craft for you an unique pendant for this beautiful sapphires to propitiate your Jupiter. A great set!

Absolutely charming, perfect cut & brilliance, unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphires set. Perfectly lovely.

$480/ct          $1,200/set

What a beautiful set! These 3 unheated, Ceylon sapphires weight 2.50 cts. total, pastel shades of "maize" yellow, "marine" blue and "rose" pink, perfectly cut in a "flower" round shape, measuring 5.5mm the yellow, 5.75mm the blue and 5.8mm the pink , therefore very slightly graduating, all eye flawless, VVS1 from the gem fields of Kuruvita, Sri Lanka. Simply a perfect set, the cut is the same in all 3 sapphires, the pastel tone delightful, finest clarity and a rarity in nowadays, treatment filled market. We are raising our inventory prices, so act fast...

Colorfully shimmering, very exotic, unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphire, pendant set. Perfect.


$350/ct                    $578/set

Wow, this is a ultra nice set that will mount simply divine in that sought after journey pendant you have been looking for. This set of unheated, Ceylon, "fancy"  sapphires rounds weight 1.55 cts. total, it includes a golden sapphire 4.6mm, then a baby pink 4.82mm and a medium-dark, "cornflower" blue of 5mm. All gem are eye flawless, VVS type2 clarity and have been perfectly fashioned in a round, mixed cut shape with flower pavilion. From the gem fields of Pelmadulla, Sri Lanka. Needless to say, the result is just exquisite and the are just fabulous together. Ask to have it set in the ultimate, custom designed Journey pendant that will be unique and one-of-a-kind as yourself.

Absolutely adorable, uniquely charming, unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphires, pendant set. Very beautiful!


$400/ct                 $1,172/set

Well, you have to see this set in real life. Much, much nicer than the pic. 2.93 cts. total weight of unheated Ceylon "fancy" sapphire (even the white sapphire baguettes are unheated). The 3 main, round sapphires are a very lovely, from top, orange-pink Padparadscha, an effulgent "straw" yellow color, and a charming pastel violet-lavender. Measuring 4.7mm, 5.5mm and 6mm, round, mixed cuts. All eye flawless, IF-VVS1 in clarity. The Ceylon white sapphire baguettes are 5x3mm. These are all eye flawless, IF-VVS1 in clarity and all natural in their color. No doubts that you will adore this set, truly gorgeous in the combination of colors, radiant and unique. Only the Pad alone is worth the price of the whole set. Ask for a custom 3-gems pendant...we can craft one for you.

Exciting with alluring colors, great cutting, unheated, Ceylon "fancy" sapphires set. Simply gorgeous.


$400/ct                   $748/set

A real gorgeous set for that one-of-a-kind, designer pendant, this 3-gems, Ceylon unheated "fancy" sapphires set has a weight of 1.87 cts., top, vivid colors, well executed, rectangular, "antique" cushion cuts, measuring for the hot pink 5x4.40mm, the golden 4.6x4.4mm and the violet-blue is 4.9x4.6mm, slightly graduated in size. You have to see this set in person. As unheated colors, they do not get any more intense than this. Real magical & beautiful, they will mount really gorgeous. Do not delay, a real good looking and exciting a bottom price!

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                 The Planetary Gems International Co. ©1995-2025.  
All rights reserved. Gemstones, jewelry photos & jewelry designs are sole, intellectual property of the Planetary Gems International Co. The use of such    photos & designs by others in any web activity or real implementation is illegal, and these parties will be liable of use of copyrighted material and persecuted by the extent of laws. All prices subject to change without notice, due to constant fluctuation of bank-notes, supply-demand of colored stones and gold prices.
We have the right to refuse service to anyone.

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