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Red Coral Gemstone for Jyotish and Vedic Astrology


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Red coral known as Moonga or Praval is the Jyotish gemstone related to Mars - Mangal which is the planet of ambition, motivation and desire. Red coral gemstone is life giving and invigorating. Turns inactive persons into active ones, helps build finances, increases determination, courage, vitality, energy and physical strength. It boosts leadership qualities, and helps one to finish the tasks he has begun. Wearing a fine red coral of at least 2 carats is said to remove obstacles, win you over your enemies, purify the blood and cure boils. It will make the wearer courageous yet prudent. Red coral helps defeat mental depression, and it protects women from widowhood. It can help one get a daughter married or to find a new job. It can help marital life and to increase sexual desire, especially in men.
Red coral can be substituted with carnelian of at least 5 carats.

If you want to know more about astrological and healing benefits of red coral, click

Important: Important: The following pictures are highly magnified (30X) and do not show the gems' real size.  Color and brilliance can greatly vary from computer to computer, depending on your monitor's settings. Color will also, naturally, vary from sunlight to indoor, incandescent light. Dark and lighter areas are effects from the digital camera. See description for accuracy on clarity grade, color and exact dimensions in mm.


Very beautiful, modernly essential, 14KY gold, Moon and Mars, astrological  talisman.


A most definitely auspicious, and beautiful, Moon & Mars, astrological, Vedic talisman, showcasing a natural, freshwater, not beaded pearl weighing 6.72 cts., fine white color, 10mm round in shape, with flawless skin and good luster, from unknown river/lake of China. The Mediterranean ox-blood, untreated coral (not dyed, not polymer filled) weights 3.15 cts., fine, rare, ox-blood color, perfectly executed, oval cabochon shape, and measuring 14x10mm, top mirror finish and polish, from the southern coasts of Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea. The pendant is 38mm long, including the bail. Sturdy, well made, this is one of our classic Vedic pendants, that is ready to go and sure to uplift your life and at the same time, please your eyes.


One-of-a-kind, spell binding, 14K yellow gold, Italian red coral pendant with tsavorites and Mali garnets.



 Something unique for the unique you. This is a very well crafted, substantial, hand-made, 14K yellow gold red coral pendant, 6.39 grams of gold, featuring a natural, untreated, free form Sardinian red coral weighting 4.95 cts., ox-blood red color, good surface and polish, measuring 16.00 x 11.10mm,  accompanied by a total of 1.19 cttw. of untreated, tsavorites and Mali garnets (garnets are never treated), arranged in circular, sunburst design all around, all bezel set. The pendant total length is 40mm in length, including the bail, (which can accommodate any size chain) and 25mm wide. Absolutely gorgeous, solid designer jewel that can be used to propitiate the favor of Mars. Main stone is open on the back for astrological, Jyotish use.

One-of-a-kind, alluring, 14K yellow gold, Italian red coral and  tsavorites pendant.


A very beautiful, solidly well crafted & utterly unique, Italian red coral and tsavorite garnets pendant, mounting a center, bezel set, untreated, Mediterranean red coral, weighting 3.56 cts., fine "tomato" red color, excellent, drop shape cabochon with flat bottom, and measuring 13x11mm, good surface and polish. Around the perimeter of coral, bead set, there are 20 pcs of untreated, Kenyan tsavorite garnets, approx. 1.75 cts. total, 2.3-2.5mm rounds, all eye clean and with a vibrant, medium, "fern" green color. Striking eye appeal in a well balanced combinations of colors. The pendant measures approx. 30mm (including the bail) in length and x 20mm wide. Really very nice.

Alluring & perfect, excellent color, untreated, Mediterranean Sardinian ox-blood coral.


$90/ct              $285/gem

Lovely, Mediterranean (Italian) red coral, weighting 3.17 cts., ox-blood red color, perfectly executed, oval cabochon cut, and measuring 13 x 9mm, clean and blemish free surface, with fine mirror finish, hailing from off the coasts of Alghero, North-Western Sardinia, Mediterranean sea. Alghero is the capital of the "riviera del corallo", whose name derives from the fact that the coastline waters off the city, in the Sardinian sea, has one of the largest concentration of precious coral (corallium rubrum) in all the Mediterranean basin. Auspicious and beautiful, untreated Italian red coral to harness the power of Mars.

One-of-a-kind, exquisite, 14K yellow gold, Italian red coral pendant with tsavorites and Mali garnets.


Super gorgeous, perfectly well crafted & hand-made, very large 14K yellow gold red coral pendant, 6.89 grams of gold, featuring a natural, untreated, free form Sardinian red coral weighting 5.30 cts, medium, vivid orange-red color, measuring 19.72 x 11.1mm, good surface and polish, accompanied by 1.02 cttw. of Kenyan green tsavorites and Mali green-yellow garnets (garnets are never treated), bead and bezel sets in the gold shoulder around the center stone. The pendant total length is 45mm in length, including the large bail, (which can accommodate any size chain) and 27mm wide. Needless to say, this is a very beautiful, one-of-a-kind designer, astrological jewel to harness the power of Mars.

Magical, top finest ox-blood red, untreated, Mediterranean Sardinian ox-blood coral. Rare color.



Awesome, Sardinian, untreated red coral, weighting 4.56 cts., with finest ox-blood red color, very well executed, antique square cushion, cabochon cut, measuring 12 x 12mm, very clean surface with fine mirror finish, hailing from off the coasts of Alghero, North-Western Sardinia, Mediterranean sea. If you are looking for a fine, completely untreated ox-blood coral of rare shape, we have already designed a pendant for it. Do not delay on this piece. Rare.

Sensuous, slender shape, untreated, Mediterranean Sardinian ox-blood coral. Real nice.

$110/ct              $680/gem

Perhaps a smaller version on the one on the left, this Mediterranean, Italian red coral weights 6.18 cts., medium, ox-blood red color, slightly elongated, oval cabochon cut, measuring 18 x 10mm, fine clean surface with top mirror finish, from the coral banks off the coasts of southern Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea. Beautiful red coral that will mount perfectly in a ring. Ask for your personalized and costumed, astrological, Mars talisman.


Gorgeous, perfect size, fine color, untreated, Mediterranean Sardinia ox-blood coral.


A striking, untreated, Mediterranean red coral cabochon, weighting 6.81 cts., top ox-blood red color, masterly executed, oval cabochon cut, and measuring 18 x 12mm, fine clean surface with top mirror finish, from the coral banks off the coasts of southern Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea. Absolutely fine ox-blood color in a clean texture and marvelous cut, this red coral will not fail to impress. Definitely to gain the favors and appease the energy of Mars.

Very beautiful, good size, untreated, Mediterranean, Sardinia ox-blood coral. Getting rare.

$100/ct             $542/gem

Another beautiful, untreated red coral, hailing from the Mediterranean sea, weighting 5.42 cts., medium ox-blood red color, masterly executed, oval cabochon cut, and measuring 15 x 11mm, fine clean surface with top mirror finish, from the coral banks off the coasts of southern Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea. We choose our red corals for clean, blemish free tops, fine cutting with no overly high domes, and of course absence of treatments such as dyeing and polymer filling to conceal nicks and cracks. Buyer beware of Indian quality, barrels and triangular shape corals. It is mostly treated.


Immaculate, perfection, untreated, Mediterranean Sardinia ox-blood coral. Real nice and affordable.


$90/ct                $310/gem

A most perfect, untreated, Mediterranean red coral cabochon, weighting 3.44 cts., ox-blood red color, excellent, oval cabochon cut, and measuring 14 x 10mm, clean surface with top mirror finish, from off the coasts Southern Sardinia, Mediterranean sea. This precious coral simply exudes perfection from every angle. Great color, rare and clean material with a calibrated shape, so we can set it inexpensively in a gold, "crown" pendant for you. Real nice and affordable.

Captivating, one-of-a-kind, untreated, Mediterranean ox-blood coral, hand made carving. No reserve.



What an unique red coral carving. None like it. This Sardinian ox-blood coral carving weights a great 27.64 carats total, top, finest ox-blood red color, great texture and finish, it measures 19 x 12 x 7.5mm, needless to say hand carved to perfection by a master incisore of Torre Del Greco, Italy. Use it for an unique pendant/brooch or ad it to your collection, this is simply a piece of art. Priceless. Hard-to-get quality.

Absolutely gorgeous, one-of-a-kind, untreated, Japanese coral, hand made carving.



Fresh from our last trip to the Mediterranean coral center of Torre Del Greco, Italy, here is a super gorgeous, one-of-a-kind, untreated, Japanese origin, coral carving representing a mythological faun or satyr, weighting 58.20 cts., medium, pinkish-orange color, measuring approx. 38 x 21 x 10mm, superbly and masterly hand crafted by one of the oldest, living " maestro incisore" of Torre Del Greco, Italy. Ideal for an unique, artistic pendant. Here creativity is the key in setting it. The coral is of Japanese origin, and it is completely untreated. Offered at a great, wholesale price, but in truth, definitely priceless. No reserve.

Beautifully shaped, surely auspicious, untreated, Japanese ox-blood coral. Real nice and affordable.

$100/ct              $272/gem

Very lovely, top color, untreated, Mediterranean red coral, weighting 2.72 cts., fine ox-blood red color, perfectly executed, antique cushion cabochon cut (with flat bottom), measuring 12x8mm, clean surface with top mirror finish, from off the coasts of Ryukyu island, Japanese Sea. This ox-blood color is simply not available anywhere. We are the only source to stock strictly untreated, not dyed and not polymer filled, Japanese and Mediterranean ox-blood red coral. Very nice cabochon, unique in shape, cut for large appearance, with delightful eye appeal. Rare from these waters.

Amiable, perfectly cut for large appearance, untreated, ox-blood, Mediterranean red coral cabochon.

$100/ct            $369/gem

A very beautiful, untreated, Mediterranean red coral, weighting 3.69 cts., ox-blood red color, masterly executed, oval cabochon shape, cut for large appearance (large face), and measuring 14 x 9.2mm, fine clean surface with top mirror finish, from the coral banks off the coasts of southern Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea. This quality is becoming increasingly hard to get. We pick only the cleanest, darker and most perfect material available, cherry picked from large lots manufactured by one of the oldest coral producer of the Mediterranean area. This is the very best available and offered at the most competitive price on the market.

Spell-binding, pristine & perfect, good size, untreated, ox-blood, Mediterranean red coral cabochon.

$100/ct            $702/gem

Good size and surely captivating, untreated, Mediterranean red coral, weighting 7.02 cts., medium ox-blood red color, perfectly executed, oval cabochon cut, and measuring 16 x 12mm, fine clean surface with top mirror finish, from the coral banks off the coasts of Western Sardinia (Alghero) Mediterranean Sea. Old stock, large size, classic coral color, and simply perfection in every sense. If you are looking for an auspicious red coral to propitiate Mars, you have to consider this one. We are the source for fine quality, Jyotish , Vedic natural gemstones and one-of-a-kind designer talismans for the discerning souls. Because you are unique.

Feminine, one-of-a-kind, untreated, Mediterranean red coral "cameo" carving.


$100/ct         $558/gem

A most beautiful, untreated, Mediterranean red coral cameo, weighting 5.58 cts., ox-blood red color, masterly carved  with exquisite details, measuring 16.90 x 13.63mm, good  texture & polish, from off the coast of Southern Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea and carved in Torre Del Greco, Italy. We specialize in completely natural, untreated, meaning not dyed and not polymers filled, Mediterranean and Japanese Aka red corals. Not an easy task, as it is estimated that 95% of the coral on the market is treated in some ways. It will mount very feminine and one-of-a-kind.

14K yellow gold, ox-blood, Mediterranean coral "corno". Unique, very wearable, protective talisman.


We love these red coral pendants. And completely natural. Very unique and of conspicuous size, this 14K yellow gold pendant red coral "corno" weights 9.93 cts. total weight (the red coral itself weights 8.16 cts.), 1 5/8" long (including the bail) or 44mm, featuring a free form, untreated (not dyed and not polymer filled) ox-blood coral, with clean surface and fine high polish surface, hailing from off the coast of Western Sardinia (Alghero), Mediterranean Sea.  We picked the very best and of great size from a huge parcel. Rest assured these are the best available, and simply wear unique, exotic and captivating. Great gift for yourself or your loved one.

Red Coral Info

Like with every other gemstones we stock, we cherry pic the nicest, flawless, completely untreated, ( which means natural in color and without polymer filling), ox-blood Mediterranean & Japanese corals.  Coral comes in many colors, from white to light and medium pink, pink-orange, light orange, orange, reddish orange, red, maroon red and black. The main, worldwide trade & production center for coral is Torre Del Greco, Italy.  In this sunny little town, just south of Naples, rough coral is imported from everywhere and worked locally by small family enterprises. High quality beads stands, cabochons, carvings, free forms are thus produce to be sold to designers and jewelry manufactures all over the world. ((This is the finest, Italian designed & manufactured quality and not readily available)).  A decent, lower quality part of rough, is sold to India & China. (Both countries are very avid buyer of coral). In India and China, coral will be shaped mostly in barrel and triangular shapes. And all of it, will undergo treatments, both in dyed form and polymer filling to conceal cracks and imperfections. In all, Beware of Indian and Chinese coral.

Charming, typical Sardinia old stock, untreated, Mediterranean red coral cabochon.


$85/ct               $422/gem

Your classic, untreated, Mediterranean red coral, weighting 4.97 cts., medium, ox-blood color, well executed, oval cabochon, and measuring 14.45 x 9.33mm, clean surface with top mirror finish, from the coral banks off the coasts of southern Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea.. This is an old stock with a lighter ox-blood red color, that is well cut and priced very well. Becoming very rare, untreated red coral is very difficult to get, as it is estimated that 95% of the coral on the market is dyed and polymer filled. Buy with confidence here. Cherry picked.


Sweet, well crafted, untreated, Mediterranean red coral "cameo" carving.


$70/ct         $217/gem

A very sweet, untreated, Mediterranean red coral cameo, weighting 3.10 cts., ox-blood red color, well carved  with beautiful details, measuring approx. 14 x 10mm, good texture & polish, from off the coast of Southern Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea and carved in Torre Del Greco, Italy. The art of carving cameos in shells and coral has been an exclusive of the "Torresi" or Torre del Greco natives for a few centuries now. Unfortunately, it is a disappearing art. This one is sweet, and offered at a very low price. it will mount a standard 14x10mm "crown" pendant, like the ones below.

Large 14K yellow gold, ox-blood, Mediterranean coral "corno". Unique, very wearable, protective talisman.


A very beautiful, conspicuous in size,14K yellow gold, & untreated, red coral pendant,  weighting 15.99 cts. total weight (red coral 13.68 cts.), featuring a free form,  untreated (not dyed and not polymer filled) ox-blood coral, with clean surface and fine high polish, hailing from the southern coast of Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea. The pendant is a great 1 3/4" long (or 46mm). Absolutely beautiful & unique to the eye, this one wears very well. Of ancient Italian origin, this natural form, coral shape pendant is said to protect the wearer from adversities and bad Karma.

Royal one-of-a-kind, high quality, incredible size, 18KY ox-blood coral & diamond pendant. No reserve.


I do not think you will find another, high quality, ox-blood coral pendant like this one, anywhere else. One-of-a-kind, high quality piece.  The Mediterranean coral itself weights a whopping 22.21 cts., fine ox-blood red color, finely cut in a pendeloque shape, measuring 24.5mm (length) x 15mm (wide), with a 18K yellow gold cap, accommodating any size chain, and with 0.10 cts. of clean, white diamonds, bead set. This coral originates from the southern coasts of Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea. The total length of pendant is 1 3/16" long. If you like a super gorgeous, one-of-a-kind, like no other, ox-blood coral pendant, this  is the one for you to stand out and enhance the power of Mars in your life. We do not have another piece like this. The very best!

Red Coral Jewelry Care
The corals in this page are completely untreated, of natural color (not dyed) and no polymers filled. Red coral is an organic gemstones, high polished using a natural virgin wax and buffing combination. Therefore it will be subjected to loose its polish over time. Red coral jewelry should be taken off when showering or taking baths, if you want to preserve its shine as long as possible.

Never clean your coral talismans in an ultrasonic & steam cleaners. Never use detergent or bleaches or baking soda or ammonia based products.

The shine of coral will fade off over time. To preserve it as long as possible, every once in a while, rub on top of red coral surface a fine wool fabric or silk fabric. Move in circular motion, over the surface. An additional way. Take a wool piece or silk piece, add a touch, half drop of oil, and rub the coral surface with it. You must be careful not to mess with oil the gold if mounted. Perhaps wrap the gold part with a bit of kitchen, plastic wrap, if possible. This will make sure that the gold part is protected and you can work the coral surface easier. This operation will shine slightly your coral.


Like a drop of blood, uniquely well shaped , rare, ox-blood Sardinia, Mediterranean red coral pendeloque.


$90/ct                $715/gem

A very unique, untreated, ox-blood, Mediterranean coral, weighting 7.94 cts., medium-dark, fine, ox-blood red color, uniquely shaped in a half-drilled pendeloque shape (half-drilled on top), and measuring 15.33mm in length x 8.98mm wide x 8.11mm (tick), clean surface with top mirror finish, from off the coasts of Southern Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea. A beautiful pendeloque shape that can be mounted with a gold cap (incorporating a small pin), for a blood drop-like result. Completely natural, not dyed, this is a high quality Italian coral for a special somebody.

One-of-a-kind, absolutely perfect, rare, untreated, Buddha, Pacific coral carving. Only one.



An one-of-a-kind, spiritually compelling, coral "Buddha head" carving, weighting a great 35.72 cts., medium "flame" orange color, very slightly pinkish in undertone,  measuring approx. 26 x 19 x 11mm, Pacific origin., with excellent carving details, clean surface and fine polish. Carved in Torre Del Greco, Italy. This is from our last trip to the "coral capital of the world".  An absolutely, spiritually unique, Pacific coral carving, with fine details and with an overall, awesome feel to it.   Certainly to make a bespoke, one-of-a-kind pendant or just add it to your existing collection as it is.

Uniquely beautiful, feminine and one-of-a-kind, untreated, ox-blood coral cameo carving.


$100/ct                $538/gem

During our last trip to Torre Del Greco, we picked only one piece (with the nicest color) of these gorgeous coral cameos. This weights 5.38 cts., finest, ox-blood red color (completely untreated, not dyed!), 12x16mm calibrated oval cabochon with exquisite carving details. (pic is larger than actual piece...please, refer to dimensions in mm). Coral is from Sardinia, Mediterranean sea and engraved in Torre Del Greco, Italy. Nowadays, only a handful of "incisori" (literally "engravers") in Torre Del Greco, are still working the coral this way. It is an art that has been passed down from father-to-son for centuries, but destined, unfortunately, to disappear. This is a great, rare example of wearable art that is sure to please and uplift the spirit!

14K yellow gold, ox-blood, Mediterranean coral "corno". Unique, very wearable, protective talisman.


A beautiful & well crafted, 14K yellow gold & red coral pendant, weighting 10.23 cts. total (red coral itself weighting 6.28 cts.), featuring a free form, ox-blood coral, with top high polish from off the coasts of Sardinia, Mediterranean sea.  If you are looking for something unique and totally natural, here is something for you. The "cornuto", "corno", or "cornicello" is an Italian amulet of ancient origin. "Corno" means "horn", and this name refers to a long, gently twisted horn-shaped amulet worn in Italy to protect against the evil eye.1 1/8" long (approx. 28mm including the bail) and it is crafted of 14K yellow gold and natural, not dyed coral. We have few more of these....real, real nice!

Astrological pendant talisman for Vedic red corals. Set yourself apart.



~Made to order~

Our ultimate goal is to create powerful, well balanced & beautiful talismans for Vedic astrology & healing. What about this "Greek" inspired pendant? All of our talismans are hand crafted to perfection, and we always strive to give everyone something that is personalized & unique. Every custom piece, even though follows the main design, will have invariably something unique & different from the previous (be size of granulation, slightly different spacing, 1 tier or two tiers around center gem, etc.). Can do it in any color gold, yellow, white or rose. And can do it for any size coral. Set your self apart.

Rare & unique, gently imposing, untreated, Mediterranean red coral cameo carving. No reserve.

$100/ct                 $624/gem

We are the only gemstone company in USA to carry hand-made, red coral cameos, hand-carved in Torre Del Greco, southern Italy. This beautiful & compelling piece weights 6.24 cts., top, finest ox-blood red color, slightly elongated, oval cameo cabochon, measuring 18.7x11.1mm, artistically executed with exquisite carving details, top texture & polish, from off the coast of Southern Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea and carved in Torre Del Greco, Italy. A very compelling cameo with top ox-blood color and fine finish. It will make an unique pendant or ring, perhaps with an "antique" motif...ask for a custom designed talisman.


Uniquely beautiful, Italian made, Pacific & Sardinian-Mediterranean red coral & sterling silver pendant. Smaller version.


A smaller version of the pendant on the right. This red coral & sterling silver pendant weights 54.93 cts. total weight, crafted in Torre Del Greco, Italy, and featuring a network of Pacific & Mediterranean red coral nuggets, all natural & untreated, with very good red color, with a slightly orangish tone. Pendant is 1 5/8" long (including the bail) and 1 3/8" wide. With all the red coral advertised on-line, very little of it is completely natural and of good red color. Contrary to common beliefs, it is a gemstone that is depleting at a very fast pace, and start to commend higher and higher prices. This red coral pendant can be used for astrological benefits as well.

Absolutely gorgeous, Italian made, Pacific & Sardinian-Mediterranean red coral & sterling silver pendant. No reserve.


You have to see this in real life. Simply gorgeous. This red coral & sterling silver pendant weights over 110 cts. total weight, crafted in Torre Del Greco, Italy, and featuring a network of Pacific & Mediterranean red coral nuggets, all natural & untreated, with very good red color, v.slightly orangish in tone. The pendant itself is 1 3/4" wide and 2" long (including the bail). Adorn yourself with a gorgeous, natural, red coral piece that is malleable, easy to wear, and eye awesome. Only one, for a fortunate & charismatic person. This red coral pendant can be used for astrological benefits as well.

Large, hard to find size, one-of-a-kind, Mediterranean coral floral carving. For that special jewel.


$75/ct               $983/gem

Very fine, unique, red coral flower carving, one-of-a-kind because of its huge size and uniqueness. It weights 13.10 ct., medium, ox-blood, red color, excellent carving details,, 18x15mm, smooth finish and texture. Rare all the way. In a huge parcel from a "corallaro" in Torre Del Greco, Italy, saw just this only heart shape. This is truly a one-of-a-kind, heart carving, with beautiful texture, excellent proportions and  huge, hard-to-get size, priced well for its rarity! Anyway, priceless that is.

Simply very elegant, absolutely beautiful, 14KY gold Mediterranean" olive-shape ox-blood necklace. Very low reserve.


A superb, unique, and very elegant, high quality, ox-blood coral necklace, 21" long, 75 cttw. of absolutely gorgeous, natural color, untreated (no dyed, no polymers filled) , Mediterranean ox-blood coral, "olive" shape beads, individually knotted/strung in a silk/nylon red cord and ending in a 14KY gold, satin finish, 5mm bead clasp. This unique "olive" shape coral necklace is manufactured by only one cutter in Torre Del Greco, Italy and destined exclusively to the Japanese market. In addition to the elegantly unique shape of the beads, this coral is of top, ox-blood color and not treated whatsoever in any way. This is the last necklaces left, and we assure you they wear extremely well and show off really rich, elegant and of the highest quality. Great, one-of-a-kind gift for yourself or your dearest one.

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All rights reserved. Gemstones, jewelry photos & jewelry designs are sole, intellectual property of the Planetary Gems International Co. The use of such    photos & designs by others in any web activity or real implementation is illegal, and these parties will be liable of use of copyrighted material and persecuted by the extent of laws. All prices subject to change without notice, due to constant fluctuation of bank-notes, supply-demand of colored stones and gold prices.
We have the right to refuse service to anyone.

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